The Load Report provides a concise, organized loading guide for your crew. 

The Fabrication Schedule report provides a list of orders planned for fabrication grouped by calendar day.

Creating the Report

Basic report procedure described in Creating Scheduling Reports.

Data selection method


Grouping options

Schedule is inherently grouped by date and load; no custom grouping options

Report options

Described below

Load Report Options

Order Length

Select the type of length to use for calculating weights on the report:

  • Order Default - Use the length type that was used when the order was created.
  • Cut - Actual length; bent bars are adjusted for bend curvature deduction.
  • Pay - Length manually entered for billing and display purposes.
  • Theoretical - Length based on out-to-out dimensions of the bar; bent bars are not adjusted for bend curvature deduction.

Weight Precision

Round weights to (0 - 4) decimal places. 

Weight Unit

Display report weights in: Lbs or Kgs.

Show Filter

If you applied filters to report data, check to display a summary of the filters at the top of the report. 

Length Unit

Display report weights in: ft or mm.

Display Grand Total Weight

Check to include the grand total weight at the end of the report. 

Page Break by Load

Check to start load on its own page.

Use Shading

Check to apply alternate row shading to make data more readable.