Launch Correspondence Notes from any of the following modules:

  • Business Partner
  • Job
  • Estimating
  • Order Entry
  • Scheduling
  • Shipping Ticket

To create a correspondence note:

  1. Click Correspondence Note .
  2. The Correspondence Note screen displays.
  3. In the Note field:

Click Auto-number to assign a new note number.
Use the Lookup to select an existing note. 
The Location, Date and Time, and User fields auto-fill. Where applicable, Regarding fills in based on your current screen data. For example, the job you viewing. 
Note: The Note, Job Number, and entering note details are required to save a note. The Department and Reference fields are optional, but provide helpful information.

  1. If desired, complete or change any of the following header fields:
    • Location - Verify or change the location associated to the note.
    • Department - If desired, set a Department to associate to the note. 
    • Regarding - Verify or select the Regarding entity type (Business Partner, Job, Estimate). 
      Use the Lookup in the adjacent field to select the entity, such as the specific partner, job, or estimate.
    • Reference - Select the entity type (Invoice, Order, Shipping Ticket). 
      Use the Lookup in the adjacent field to select the Reference entity, such as the specific invoice, order, or shipping ticket ID. 
  1. Enter a note in the details area.
    HINT: Use the formatting fields to change the text appearance. For example, you can make the text bold, apply bullets, change the size, and other attributes. 
  2. Click Finish .