Enabling Multi-Currency

To use Multi-Currency, you must:

  • be licensed for Multi-Currency
  • enable Multi-Currency for your organization at the Enterprise level

After Multi-Currency is enabled, Multi-Currency functionality is available throughout the system where monetary values are used. 

Key Concepts

When you use Multi-Currency, values are stored based on the following:

  • Transaction currency - Currency used for a transaction. For example, what currency unit appears on an order or an invoice. 
  • Business Partner Home Currency (BPHC) - The home currency of a specific business partner.
  • Bank Account Home Currency - The home currency of a specific bank account. All transactions on a receipt are in terms of the selected bank account's currency. This value and related exchange rates affect GL postings. 
  • Company HC (CHC) - The home currency of company-level information within your enterprise. When reporting company-level information, aSa.Studio converts values to the company currency where applicable.
  • Enterprise HC (EHC) - The home currency of your entire organization. When reporting enterprise-wide information, aSa.Studio converts values to the enterprise currency where applicable.

Locking Exchange Rates

Because exchange rates are constantly changing, if exchange rates are set to automatically update, the value of a sale may change as the sale flows from order to invoice to cash receipt. Locking the rate:

  • prevents the exchange rate from being automatically updated.
  • does not prevent a user with appropriate permissions from manually changing the exchange rate for an order, invoice, or cash receipt.