The sales order listing contains instructions to shop personnel for assembling a cage or other "assembled kit" item. 

Creating the Report

Basic report procedure described in Creating Order Entry Reports.

Data selection method

Grid Select or Filter

Grouping options


Report options

Described below

Sales Order Listing Options


Use the drop-down menu to select the information to be displayed on the report.

  • Detail - report will contain kit product detail information, (quantity, inventory tags, bin, lot, serial number, barcode) and component detail information including shape image.
  • Detail - Sum Rebar by Product Class - report will contain kit and component detail information by product class.
  • Summary - report will contain only summary page with total kit quantity to assemble and total quantity by components.

Break Out Direct Shipments

Check to break out direct shipments.

Weight Unit

Select unit of measure from the dropdown list.

Weight Precision

Select the default or precise level of precision (0-4) from the dropdown.

Use Shading

Check to apply alternate row shading to make data more readable.

Show Filter

Check to include a list of data filter options (if applicable) at the top of the report.