Assign Product

  • When you assign a product to a different warehouse, the system now supports WIP GL account information.  (40299, 2023-08-29) 

Book to Physical

  • Added validations to prevent an error that occurred when you tried to post Book to Physical transactions in a month that had unposted inventory adjustments. (46771, 2024-08-12)
  • Validations now prevent book to physical scans if an item is not frozen properly. (46410, 2024-07-29)
  • Values on the Totals by Product tab are now correct when you count a product that is associated to multiple bins. (46507, 2024-07-30)
  • Eliminated "Insufficient bin quantity" error that would sometimes display based on a rounding issue. (43175, 2024-02-08)
  • Corrected several issues that occurred when you proceed book to physical counts on non-tagged items. (42512, 2024-03)
  • Improved the way the system freezes tags for counting and calculates product quantities when you select a parent product that contains remnant children products. (42109, 2023-12-07)
  • Eliminated "unexpected error" that occurred when you scanned an inventory tag in book to physical mode. (41467, 2023-10-26)

Inventory Adjustment

  • When you perform an adjustment, you must now specify a reason code. TouchTrackers and Mobile Trackers now prompt for this information. (40299, 2023-08-29) 
  • When you adjust inventory, the GL account is now updated based on the reason code. (40323, 2023-08-31)
  • When you perform an adjustment using the scanner, Quantity Remaining and Adjustment Quantity fields in the screen now show the correct values. (40140, 2023-08-15)

Inventory Receipt

  • Corrected an issue with receiving material in a location to location transfer. (46409, 2024-07-29)
  • The option 'Allow Zero Costs on Receipts' has been changed to 'Allow Posting with No Cost'; the system now validates no-cost receipts at the posting level rather than when saving the receipt. (41518, 2023-11-08)
  • Corrected issue in which certain non-parent rebar items could not be posted. (41694, 2023-11-09)
  • In certain circumstances, when you received tags via import, the system would change the tag IDs after the inventory tags were printed. This issue has been corrected. (41291, 2023-10-16)
  • If an issue prevents you from deleting a receipt, an appropriate message now displays, informing you that the delete failed. (40925, 2023-09-22)

Inventory Relief

  • When you fabricate an item then apply a coating, the correct product is now relieved from inventory. (40747, 2023-09-14)
  • For shops with post-fabrication activities, such as coating, the system now properly handles inventory updates when a user performs an Undo or Void on a shearing or bending scan. (45009, 2024-05-16) 

Reports & Inquiries

  • Corrected grouping issues with the Tagged Inventory report. (43834, 43790, 2024-03-08)
  • When you print Shipping Ticket with cost, cost now matches the Inventory Transaction report. (42787, 2024-01-16)
  • Coil products now display on the Tagged Inventory report. (42078, 2023-12-08)
  • Improved performance for the WIP report; the report now generates much faster. (41093, 2023-10-05)
  • The WIP report now shows correct values for for Fabbed Not Shipped material. (40324, 2023-08-30)
  • Inquiries now show the correct value for Tag Status. (40457, 2023-09-05)