
  • Corrected an issue with Vary Bars needing a minimum of 3 cm of incremental length. (19924, 2020-June-10)
  • Resolved issue with not being able to Type 0 in K-Turns when using spirals. (19926, 2020-June-06
  • Eliminated an issue when entering bars users would receive incorrect totals and a decimal error. (19507, 2020-May-18)
  • Eliminated an error in the Bar Notes field. (18682, 2020-Apr-23)
  • Corrected an issue that caused miscellaneous problems when using an email address as user ID. (18335, 2020-Apr-08)


  • You can now edit Element options in the Customize Line Entry window. (16540, 2019-Nov-19)

Get Order Data

  • Corrected various issues importing data related to source and/or target elements. (16537, 2019-Nov-20)

Line Item Entry

  • Eliminated issue where in certain scenarios, the system prompted you to manually enter a product even though a product had already been selected. (19378, 2020-May-13)