
  • Corrected issue in which an order's status was not always updated correctly when you unchecked Closed to make changes after tags were initially printed. (42600, 2024-01-22)

Copy Control Code

  • When you copy an order, the schedule status is now cleared; previously, it was keeping the original order's status in certain circumstances. (45518, 2024-06-17)
  • Eliminated issue in which could not copy an order in certain circumstances. (40781, 2023-09-28)

Delete Order

  • Improved performance; the delete orders process is now much faster. (43314, 2024-02-13)

Get Order Data

  • When you import from Excel, the multiplier value now imports correctly. (44119, 2024-03-25)

Line Entry

  • If you change an item description in Order Entry, the change now flows to the shipping ticket. (46428, 2024-07-29)
  • Eliminated erroneous 'Data has been modified by another user' message that could display when you copied BTO kit lines, then clicked Save. (44942, 2024-05-16)
  • When you export grid data to CSV or Excel, WBS and Fab Class information is now included in the export. (44791, 2024-05-06)
  • Improved autosave performance; large orders with hundreds of line items now autosave much faster. (43603, 2024-02-29) 
  • Eliminated issue in which the system froze up when recalculating certain orders with varying bars; the issue related to imported orders with incorrect vary details. (42259, 2023-12-15)
  • You can now easily change the grade for bars in an existing varying set. (26469, 2023-10-+13)
  • Addressed issues with "Connectors" product class. (40838, 2023-09-19)
  • After an order is processed, you can now add new elements (and line items) to the order without issues. (40504, 2023-09-06)

Order Import

  • Eliminated erroneous "Invalid number" error that occurred when importing certain RDX files. (44862, 2024-05-06)
  • When you import a shape that has a special dimension in the G column, the dimensions now store and display properly. Previously, the "G" dimension would sometimes display in the F/R column and move other dimensions to the wrong column. (42990, 2024-01-29)
  • When you import a control code from aSa ex, varying bars are now sequenced correctly. (41185, 2023-10-26)
  • If an order being imported has two lines with the same bar mark, and the item details don't match, the import is canceled and the error is written to the log. 41258, 2023-10-20)
  • You can now rename the order ID for an order during the import process. (26260, 2023-10-13)

Order Status

  • In certain very unique circumstances, a non-processed order could have been set to Processed in Order Entry. The system now prevents this scenario. (41364, 2023-10-18)
  • Orders with comment lines now properly update to Shipped when applicable; previously Comment lines were not being updated by the program, which affected the order's shipped status. (40620. 2023-09-12)


  • You can now display material description information (such as Carbon for black bar or Cable for post-tension products) on the header for the Order report. (47215, 2024-09-06)
  • When an order has an alternate customer, that customer's now prints on the Order report. (46969, 2024-08-21)
  • Addressed rounding issue that caused some service items to have slight weight. (47072, 2024-08-23)
  • Corrected issue in which the longest length was incorrect in certain circumstances. (46164, 2024-07-21)
  • When the option to Summaries Unique Items is selected, matching items with different multipliers are now combined/summarized correctly. (4400, 2024-03-25)
  • Eliminated issue in which certain build to order kits were being duplicated on the Order report. (43953, 2024-03-14)
  • Corrected an issue in which the Bar Diameter Element report did not print. (43574, 2024-02-26)
  • Corrected an issue in which the system would not create reports for certain orders containing wire products. (43229, 2024-02-09)
  • The order report now includes spacer length for spiral bars when applicable. (42576, 2024-02-14)
  • Eliminated issue in which the straight bar weight displayed in place of spiral weight. (2023-12-18)
  • When applicable, the multiplier "1" now displays on the Order report. (42320, 2023-12-18)
  • Corrected an issue in which the entire order printed under an element in certain circumstances. (42336, 2023-12-19)
  • Added new report: Placing Listing. The report is similar to the Order report but lists material in the sequence it was entered and includes a Notes column for any placing notes. (41807, 2023-11-22)

Sales Order

  • When you edit the bar diameter in Line Entry, the Sales Order Summary product now updates correctly. (47123, 2024-08-22)
  • Sales tax is now calculated correctly when the order contains multiple instances of a product and Accumulate is On. (46750, 2024-08-08)
  • Eliminated issue in which the unit price unit of measure did not populate for a product in certain circumstances. (45499, 2024-06-07)
  • When you change a product description in Line Entry, the descriptions now display properly on the Sales Order Summary and on reports and forms. (43559, 2024-02-29)
  • Pricing is handled correctly when the customer is set to use Price List as the source. (40168, 2023-09-11)

Tag Printing

  • When a job is on hold and you attempt to print tags from Order Entry, an appropriate warning now displays. (40996, 2023-09-28)