
  • Eliminated an issue in which all tags were not included in Inventory Tag dashboard data; this issue was due to a location filter. (38076, 2023.-04-25) 
  • The Rebar Inventory Tag dataset now contains the field, Bar Size Description. (37784, 2023-04-04) 
  • Corrected an issue in which certain table dashboard data did not export to Excel properly. (37827, 2023-04-06)
  • You can now include Market Category information on dashboards created with the Orders and Order Line data sets. (34546, 2022-10-28)
  • Eliminated performance issues (lag time) that occurred when an inquiry or dashboard contained tag information, and the tag belonged to one or more elements. (32990, 2022-08-22)
  • You can now include Quantity Used information on dashboards created with the Inventory Tags data set. (32232, 2022-07-12)
  • Corrected issue in which certain invoice-related data would not export. (32147, 2022-07-05)
  • Corrected issue in which you could not group certain pivot table dashboards by bar diameter. (31829, 2022-06-14)
  • Business Partner Name is now included in the Tracking data set. (31378, 2022-05-12)
  • You can now filter the Order Lines data set to exclude Product Category: Bar. (31461, 2022-05-16)
  • You can now include Product Long Description in dashboards created from the Processing Tags data set. (29962, 2022-02-18)
  • A new Stock Requirements data set lets you create dashboards and inquiries that show stock material required for optimized cutting lists. (29376, 2022-01-24) 
  • A new Cut List data set lets you create dashboards and inquiries that show scrap and remnant weight by bar diameter over a given date range. (24459, 2022-01-24)
  • You can now include the following fields in dashboards created from the  Processing Tags data set: Bar Diameter, Grade, Coating, Shape, IsAuto, IsStock, IsStraightened, IsTableBent, Theoretical Length. (29486, 2022-01-17)
  • You can now include Shipping Method in dashboards created with the Shipment Lines data set 27935, 2021-11-16)
  • You can now include the following fields in dashboards created with the Inventory Tags data set: Control Code, Work Order, Order Description, and Receipt Comment. (28561, 2021-11-17)
  • You can now include the following fields in dashboards created with the Processing Tags data set: Projected Fab Date, Projected Ship Date, Cut Machine, Bend Machine, Fabricated Weight, and Pending Weight. (26093, 2021-11-03)
  • The Processing Tags dataset now allows customers to accumulate material in different ways. For example, you can now develop a total for all stock and fabricated on-hand material. (26206, 2021-09-24) 
  • In the Order Lines dataset, the field TotalProcQty now represents total processing quantity and TotalFabQty now represents the quantity that has physically been fabricated. (25745, 2021-09-27)
  • You can now filter data "To date"; this displays all information to the current day without requiring you to enter a date. (24689, 2021-07-12)


  • Eliminated page lockup problems that occurred when you attempted to add a new trailer. (42698, 2024-01-23)
  • Added a new field to the Machine editor: Protocol. Protocol specifies the basic format for machine instructions: BVBS and Manufacturer are the current options. (37303, 2023-03-08)
  • When you add a new bar diameter, then edit a bending machine, the new diameter now displays in the Hook Add-Ons grid. (35681, 2022-12-28)
  • Improved validations so that when you set up minimum values for a new shearline, the data saves correctly and eliminates Insufficient Bin Space errors in Processing. (35178, 2022-12-30)
  • Eliminated issue in which you could not copy a machine in certain circumstances. (34571, 2022-10-28)
  • In the Zones, Areas, Bins editor, the Bins > In Use check now works properly. (32380, 2022-07-20)
  • Eliminated problems that occurred when you attempted to set up bending machines for use with certain bar characteristic combinations. (31648, 2022-05-31)
  • Interface changes to clarify setting up Country and Steel Required From information. (31522, 2022-05-24)
  • Security settings that prevent a user from changing machine settings are now being applied properly. (31106, 2022-04-22)
  • When you are setting up a shearline, and you a new stock length for a bar diameter, the length no longer displays multiple times in the grid. (30826, 2022-04-15)
  • When you add new bar sizes, then set up cutting for a new machine, the new bar sizes now display properly in the machine editor. (30666, 2022-04-04)
  • When you add new trailers, the default trailer images supplied by aSa remain intact. (29517, 2022-01-17)
  • Improved the way defaults and validations are handled when you set up certain cut and bend type machines. (28838, 2021-12-06)
  • You can now define an unlimited number of default stock lengths for a shear line. (22039, 2021-07-12)


  • When you click Forgot Password, the reset email is now delivered without issues. (29841, 2022-02-09)


  • Enhanced printing process to better handle output to very high resolution printers. (31415, 2022-05-11)


  • On certain reports, totals now reflect the sum of the associated line item subtotals. Previously, there were some differences due to number of decimal places and rounding. (32004, 2022-06-24)

System Manager

  • Eliminated issue related to lost form settings in Location Defaults. (38544, 2023-05-17)
  • Users assigned to the Administrator security group may now change custom shapes that are in use. (37131, 2023-03-08)
  • Eliminated issue in which the system allowed rounding values to save without a valid Length Type. (33012, 2022-08-22) 
  • A new security setting can allow or prevent selected users from creating on the fly shapes in Order Entry. (24387, 2021-05-12)


  • Corrected display issues with the To and Attn: fields that occurred when you did not enable the Weight option. (31368, 2022-05-09)