Executive Summary

The following are the major features introduced in aSa.Studio v2.0.0.

  • Environment
    • Improved machine setup: all shearing and bending configuration options for each machine are now defined in one consolidated editor. 
    • New editor allows you to set up valid lift code characters for master bundle tags.
  • Load Tracking
    • Dynamic Loading – Assign material to trailers on the fly using your mobile scanner. 
    • Generate shipping tickets from the mobile scanner. 
  • Material Tracking
    • The system now tracks coil usage. Warnings give you advance notice for changing coils.  
  • Order Entry
    • Summarize - Select multiple line items on an order, then click Summarize to view pieces and weight totals for those items.
    • New Order report options allow you to display or hide:
      • Direct ship items
      • Length summary
      • Approval watermark
  • Processing 
    • Split an item (fabricate only part of the total quantity).
    • Implemented Computer Optimized Shearing, including:
      • On-screen statistics
      • Stock options
      • Stock and scrap calculations
      • Overlap
      • Statistical Summary report
    • Safe Working Boundaries – The system now determines which machines can and cannot be used to produce an item safely, then routes material accordingly. 
    • Computer shearing interface files are now generated directly to the XMS format used by the Opto-Shear Console. 
  • Product
    • Import and export templates for assemblies. 
  • Purge Jobs
    • Permanently delete job data for old or inactive projects. 
  • Customizer
    • New tool allows you to apply text formatting and change the label for aSa.Studio fields. Customizer currently works with Business Partner, Job, and Order Entry modules. 

Change Log

The topics that follow summarize changes added to aSa.Studio v2.1.0 after its initial release.