Capacity Color Coding

The calendar is color coded to display, at a glance, where your schedule stands relative to your overall capacity.

  • White - No items are scheduled for the day and shift
  • Green - One more more items are scheduled for the day and shift, but you are below capacity.
  • Yellow - You are near capacity. (See note below)
  • Red - You are over capacity.
  • Gray - Operation is closed; day is unavailable to schedule anything.

Note: In Scheduling Settings (Common > System Manager > Location Options > Scheduling tab), the option Warn Near Capacity Percent, determines at what percentage of maximum capacity your system displays a yellow warning. If you leave this option blank, your calendar will only display white, green, or red. Enter weights by day for maximum shop capacity at Common > Environment > Scheduling > Shop Capacity.

Modifying Capacity Colors

The default capacity warning colors green, yellow, and red can be changed, if desired.

To change capacity colors on the Scheduling calendar:

  1. Open the calendar by clicking the Right Menu button.
  2. With the Scheduling calendar selected, click Calendar Settings

    The Calendar Options screen displays.
  3. Click on the desired capacity color swatch and choose a different color.