Viewing detail for each calendar day will help you to determine whether to add to the day's schedule, shift bar lists to a different day, or re-assign bend classes to utilize different machinery. 

To view details for a calendar day:

  1. On the calendar, simply click on the desired day.
  2. A bar chart displays for the selected day (see description below), and the grid displays only the orders scheduled for that day.
  3. Hover over the chart to see weight values.
  4. Use Scheduling Actions to clear, confirm, modify or view properties for any of the bar lists scheduled for the selected day.
  5. Click anywhere on the bar chart to close the detail and return to the default calendar view.

Scheduling Date Details



Displays % of scheduled weight compared to capacity. Header and footer color indicates whether you are below (green), near (yellow), or over (red) your total shop capacity.


Weight Chart

Bar chart displays weight of rebar, plan, miscellaneous, and job reservations. Hover over a bar to see the actual value (shown above).


Total Weight

Displays total weight scheduled and (if defined) total bending and shearing minutes for the day.