A calendar event is basically a message, associated to specific day or days, that displays in your Scheduling calendar. Calendar events also display as notes on Scheduling reports.

To set up a calendar event:

  1. Click Calendar Event .

The Calendar Event window displays.

  1. Enter the Calendar Event details as described below.
  2. Click Finish .

Calendar Event Details

Toolbar Buttons


Accepts all entries and saves the event.


Clears all field entries.


Deletes the event.

Event Tab

Start Date

Day the event or message begins.

End Date

Day the event or message ends.


Title of the event. This text displays in the Scheduling calendar.


Description of the event. This text displays when you open the event. You can format the description text using bold, italic, and bulleted/numbered lists.

Options Tab

High Priority

Check to indicate that the event is high priority. High priority events display in a red bar on the calendar.

Show for all Locations

Check to display the event for all locations.

Show for all Scheduling Modes

Check to display the event for all scheduling modes.

Additional Tasks

To modify a calendar event:

  1. In the calendar, click on the event title. 

The Calendar Event screen displays.

  1. Update the details of the event as needed.
  2. Click Finish .

To delete a calendar event:

  1. In the calendar, click on the event title. 

The Calendar Event screen displays.

Click Delete .

  1. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.