Use built-in calculations to save time when you enter bent bars.

Common Auto-Calculations

Enter a + or = to have the program automatically calculate and insert a value for any of the following shape dimensions.



Standard hook

Slope dimension

Note: Enter any two of Rise (H), Run (K), or Leg (C) and use + or = to calculate the third dimension.

Parallel corresponding leg

Note: In the example, enter B and C, then use + or = to insert the corresponding dimensions D and E.

"O" calculation

Additional Dimension Entries

To perform the following function … 

Type this in the bending dimension field … 

Instruct the program to calculate or insert the requested dimension, such as hooks and angular calculations as described above.

+ or = 

Insert a seismic hook 

Note: The seismic hooks feature is valid with 135 degree hooks, including:

ACI legacy bend shapes S1, S2, S3, T1, T4, T6, T8, T9, T12, and T13. 

ACI 2019 bend shapes 201, 202, 203, 301, 304, 306, 308, 309, 312, and 313.

Indicate that the field is to be interpreted as an angle 

< or / followed by the angle. (i.e., <45 or /45) 
Enter bending angle in the slope or in the H or K dimensions. 
Note: Enter the angle in whole integer degrees. 

Enter a slope in the following format: Rise/Run 

(Rise Length/Run Length) 
Enter the bending angle in the slope or in the H or K dimensions. 

Note: On a legacy ACI types 15 (115) and S14 (214), you must enter complete sets/number of legs in the (last) partial set.