The product category to which the product belongs determines which (if any) characteristic fields display. Any number or type of characteristic fields may be associated to a product category.

Common Rebar Characteristic Fields

You can define any number of fields for rebar items, but the following are standard fields that cannot be removed.


Basic type of material. Carbon and Fiberglass are examples. Material types are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Material).


Select what type of surface the bar has. Examples include Deformed (traditional rebar) and Smooth (plain round).


Enter or select the bar diameter. Also called bar size. Bar diameters are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Bar Diameter).


Select a coating for the bar, or set to None if the bar is uncoated. Coatings are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Coating).


Select a grade for the bar. Grade refers to the quality of the steel or material. Grades are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Grade).


Check to indicate that the item is produced from coil material.


Select the product's country of origin.


Select the manufacturer that supplied the product.