To copy an order:

  1. Close any open orders. You cannot use the Copy tool while an order is open on the screen.
  2. Click Copy .
    The Copy window displays.
  3. Complete the Source and Target fields:
    • Control Code - Enter the control code or select the order you want to copy. 
    • Order - Enter the order number or select the order you want to copy.
      When you select the control code or order, related details automatically display. 
    • Control Code - Click to have the program automatically assign a unique control code (or manually type in a unique control code).
    • Order - If an order number does not display automatically, click to have the program assign an order number (or manually type in a unique order number).
  1. Complete target header fields:
    • Release
      Number or text that identifies the current order as a portion of the entire job. For example: 4 could identify the order as the fourth release in the job. Two release fields are available; this allows you to specify a two-part release number.
      Click Next Number to have the program automatically assign the next available release number. The format for release numbers is defined in the Environment module (General > Sequence Macro). Optionally, you can type in a release number. The full release number, including both Release fields and Revision, must be unique within the job. 
    • Revision
      Code that identifies the latest version or revision of the order. For example: 2 may indicate the bar list has been revised twice.
    • Description
      Text that identifies the current order. Typically, Description indicates the purpose of the material being provided. For example: FOUNDATIONS.
  1. Click Proceed.