Use Drawing Transmittal to track drawings sent for approval to engineers, architects, and other stakeholders. 

The procedure below assumes:

  • you are licensed for Order Entry, CAD/Detailing, or ProRebar
  • you have appropriate permissions to create transmittals
  • all required setup tasks have been completed

To create a Drawing Transmittal:

  1. From Order Entry, ProRebar, or CAD/Detailing, click Tools > Drawing Transmittal.

-- Complete the Main Tab --

  1. Complete the following header fields:
    • Location: Verify or select the location from which you will be sending a drawing transmittal.
    • Job: Click Lookup 5G Graphic and select the desired job.
    • Customer: Automatically loads based on the job.
    • Transmittal: Click Add 5G Graphic to use the next number in the sequence or enter a unique transmittal identifier as free text.
  1. All information in the Shipping area populates based on the job.
    • Ship To Address: The ship to address defaults in based on the job, but you can select a different defined address if needed.
    • Shipping Contact: Defaults based on the shipping contact for the job, but you can select a different contact if needed.
    • Transmittal Method: Select:
      • Email
      • Faxed
      • Other
      • Printed & Mailed. 
        The default option for this field is based on the drawing transmittal method set in the Environment module.
    • Sent By: Defaults to the user who is currently logged in. Change the Sent by user by clicking Lookup 5G Graphic and selecting a new contact from the grid. 
  1. If desired, add additional contacts to receive the transmittal. 
    • Click Lookup 5G Graphic to add an existing contact. 
    • Click Add 5G Graphic to add a new contact; Add opens the Contacts section of the current job. 
      Repeat this step until all contacts have been entered. 
      • Adding contacts to this area will carbon copy them on the e-mail. The main contact on the e-mail is the Shipping Contact listed in the Shipping area.
      • The Revision History area displays all changes that were made to your transmittal.

-- Complete the Drawing Entry Tab --

  1. For each row in the grid, enter:
    • Drawing: Name of the drawing provided. Click Lookup 5G Graphic to select a drawing from the grid. All drawings related to the selected job will appear in the grid. Optionally, type a Drawing identifier.
    • Description: If a description was already entered at the job level, it will default in. Or, enter a custom drawing description.
    • Revision: Enter a revision number.
    • Reason: Reason for the transmittal; why the drawings are being sent. Select a Reason from the drop down menu. All reason choices are defined in the Environment module.
    • Quantity: Enter the number of copies to send.
    • Weight: Enter the weight of material on the drawing.
    • Date Sent: Date the drawings are being sent. By default, the current date displays.
    • Comment: Enter a comment to be included in the transmittal.

-- Send the Transmittal --

  1. Send the drawing transmittal. Drawings can be printed or sent via email.
    • To print a drawing transmittal, click Print . Reports will open in a print window.
    • To email a drawing transmittal, click Email button. An email will be sent to all recipients in the Shipping and Contacts areas as set in the Main section.