

Select the default length unit of measure to use for the order.


Select the default weight unit of measurement to use for the order.

Tag Bend Dimensions

Default length unit of the measurement that will display for leg dimensions on item tags. 

Valid units of measure are defined in the Environment module (Main > Units of Measure).

Building Standards

Building Code

Select the building code to use for the order. Various attributes, such as valid bend shapes, bar diameters, and grades are associated to each building code. ACI, ASHTO, AUS, and British Standard are examples.

Building Code Version

Select the building code version to use for the order.

Valid building codes and versions are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Building Code).

Concrete Strength

Select the default concrete strength to use for the order. Concrete strength can be one of the factors used to calculate lap lengths. Valid concrete strengths are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Concrete Strength).

Lap Table

Select the default lap table to use for the order. A lap table is simply a way to populate the Lap field in estimating, detailing, and order entry modules based on a given bar size and lapping condition. Lap tables are defined in the Environment module (Engineering > Lap Table).

Detailing Lap

Enter the default value to use for laps in the order. Typically expressed in bar diameters (40D indicates 40 bar diameters).

Bar Marks

A bar mark is way to identify a bar. Normally, bar marks are used for bent bars and optional for straight bars, but you can set bar mark options any way that serves your needs.

Disable Bar Marks

Uncheck if you do not want to identify any bars with bar marks. When unchecked, the Bar Mark field does not appear on the Line Entry grid.

Mark Straight Bars

Check to require bar marks for straight bars.

Mark Straight Varying Bars

Check to require bar marks for straight varying bars.

Unique Mark Straight Bars

Check if you want all straight items to have a unique mark. For example 5A001 refers to a #5 14-02 bar. Another #5 14-02 bar is entered. If unique marks are not required, both bars can be identified with 5A001. If unique marks are required, the second line item must be assigned a new bar mark.

Unique Mark Bent Bars

Check if you want all bent line items to have a unique mark. For example 4A001 refers to a #4 type 17 with 1-00 and 2-06 legs. Another #4 type 17 with the same dimensions is entered. If unique marks are not required, both bars can be identified with 4A001. If unique marks are required, the second line item must be assigned a new bar mark.

Auto Mark

Check to have the program automatically assign bar marks to bars that require them. Uncheck to manually enter bar marks. The format for auto-assigned bar marks is defined in the Environment module (General > Sequence Macro).


Displays a sample barcode based on your current setup options.

Translate * To

If desired, enter a value (letters, numbers, or both) to insert into your bar marks when you type an asterisk (*) in the Bar Mark field. This option saves keystrokes if you use a common entry in your bar marks.

Alpha Character

A constant alpha character or characters (three characters maximum) to be used in each bar mark. For example, in the bar mark 6AB1, AB is the alpha character.


Calculate Weight Using

Specify how the program derives the weight of bent bars.

  • Theoretical - use the theoretical length to calculate weight. Theoretical length is the sum of all dimensions without subtracting for the bend curvature deduction.
  • Cut (actual) - use the cut length to calculate weight. Cut length is the sum of all dimensions minus the bend curvature deduction – the actual length that the bar is cut.
  • Pay - use a user-specified length to calculate weight rather than using theoretical or cut length. When the pay length option is used, the program will require you to enter a value in the Length field for all rebar and plain round items. The program displays a warning when the pay length differs greatly from the theoretical length of the bar.

Shape Catalog

Shapes may be shared across multiple orders from a job if the shape data is stored in a common shape catalog. In older aSa systems, this was called a "job bend library." If a shape catalog was specified at the job level, it is created and named with the job ID, and it automatically defaults to all of the job's orders. In most cases, you should use the default shape catalog if one is specified. Alternately, you can select a different shape catalog or enter a new shape catalog ID.

Override Stock Length Requirement

In the Line Entry grid, you may enter a bar length and identify the bar as "Stock," which typically means unfabricated. The Override Stock Length field determines how the program handles a situation in which you check Stock but you do not have an item defined in inventory for the specified stock length:

  • Check to allow the program to "accept" the item and leave it identified as stock.
  • Uncheck to prevent the bar from being entered as stock. A warning displays and the Stock field is automatically unchecked.

Varying Bars

Varying bars refer to a series of bars that vary incrementally in length from long to short (or vice versa), such as the vertical reinforcement in a sloped retaining wall.


Determines how varying straight bars appear on the Order report and how tags are generated for these bars:

  • Same - Itemize varying lengths on the Order report. Create a separate tag for each unique length. Use the same bar mark for all members of the set. This is the standard default for straight varying sets.
  • Auto Mark - Itemize varying lengths on the Order report. Create a separate tag for each length. Automatically generate a unique, sequential bar mark for each member of the set.
  • Group - Group varying sets on the Order report. Create a single tag for the varying set.
  • Calculate - Bars are entered using the Varying tool, but thereafter are treated as individual bars. They are not grouped and may be combined with other like bars on an order.


Determines how varying bent bars appear on the Order report and how tags are generated for these bars:

  • Same - Itemize varying lengths on the Order report. Create a separate tag for each unique shape and length combination. Use the same bar mark for all members of the set.
  • Auto Mark - Itemize varying lengths on the Order report. Create a separate tag for each length. Automatically generate a unique, sequential bar mark for each member of the set. This is the standard default for bent varying sets.
  • Group - Group varying sets on the Order report. Create a single tag for the varying set.
  • Calculate - Bars are entered using the Varying tool, but thereafter are treated as individual bars. They are not grouped and may be combined with other like bars on an order.

Minimum Length

The shortest length permitted to be part of a varying set.

Minimum Incremental Length

The shortest difference in lengths permitted between two consecutive bars in a varying set.

Copies of Mill Test Certificates

Indicate the number of mill test certificates that should be printed and distributed with each of the following reports or documents:

  • Order
  • Load
  • Shipping
  • Invoice


Require Placing Code

Placing codes are used to track material based on placing characteristics. Check if you require that every line on the order needs a placing code.

Rolling Margin

Rolling margin allows you to adjust the weight of your rebar and plain items throughout the system based on the fact that dies and rollers used to produce stock steel wear down over time. For more information refer to Understanding Rolling Margins in the Appendix. 

Note: An option set up at the enterprise level determines whether Rolling Margin is enabled or hidden for your operation.

Rolling Margin Grid

For each row in the grid:

  • Material - Select the material to which you want to apply a rolling margin percentage.
  • Percentage - Enter the percentage to adjust bar weights (positive or negative, up to five decimal places).