
Straight Overrun

Allow the program to "cheat" a straight bar's length to achieve better cutting combinations.

Valid Entires: Length in FF-II or millimeters. Example: Enter 0-01 to allow the system to cheat a straight bar's length by up to 1 inch.

Bent Overrun

Allow the program to "cheat" a bent bar's length to achieve better cutting combinations.

Valid Entires: Length in FF-II or millimeters. Example: Enter 0-01 to allow the system to cheat a bent bar's length by up to 1 inch.

Domestic Steel Only

Check if you require steel to be from your home country (or one of the countries you have defined as domestic in System Manager). Uncheck if domestic steel is not a requirement. The program validates that material on an order is from the required country.

Steel Required From

If you require steel to be from a specific country, select the country. If country-specific steel is not a requirement, leave this field blank. The program validates that material on an order is from the required country.

Restrict to These Vendors

If you require material for the current order to be supplied by a specific vendor or vendors, use the grid to select the required vendor(s). Otherwise, leave the grid blank.

Maximum Bundle Weights

Enter the maximum allowable weight permitted in a single bundle for each of the following. The system uses these values to help create bundles that adhere to your equipment capacities, business practices, and safety guidelines.

  • Straight Rebar
  • Bent Rebar
  • Other - All non-rebar items


The system uses trailer values to help create loads that adhere to your equipment capacities, business practices, and safety guidelines.


Enter maximum trailer length.


Enter maximum trailer width.


Enter maximum trailer height.

Maximum Weight

Enter the maximum trailer weight for a single load.

Rounding > Rules

The Rounding Rules grid determines how the system rounds fractional length values. Refer to Rounding Lengths in the Appendix for additional details about how aSa handles rounding.

For each row in the grid, specify:

  • Length Type
    • Cut - Actual length; bend curvature deducted from theoretical length
    • Theoretical Length - Sum of leg lengths; bend curvature not deducted
  • Length Unit of Measure - Feet or Millimeters
  • Rounding Method
    • Nearest - Round to nearest whole value
    • Up - Always round to higher value
    • Down - Always round to lower value
  • Midpoint Rounds Up - If you select the Rounding Method "Nearest," use the Midpoint Rounds Up field to specify how to handle lengths that are exactly mid-way between the next lower and higher Round To values. Check to round up. Leave un-checked to round down.

Note: Midpoint Rounds Up is not accessible if your Rounding Method is up or down.

Rounding > Test Rounding

Use the Rounding Calculator to preview how the system will calculate rounding based on your current rounding rules.

To check rounding based on a test length:

  1. Select a unit in the Length Unit of Measure field.
  2. In the Length field, enter the length you want to apply rounding rules to.
  3. Click Test Rounding.
    Calculated answers display in the Theoretical and Cut Length fields.