
Ship To Address

Select the address where the order will be shipped. The Lookup list is populated with addresses defined for the job (or the customer for non-job orders).

Shipping Contact

Select the shipping contact for the order's delivery. The Lookup list is populated with contacts defined for the job (or the customer for non-job orders).

Shipping Method

Select the shipping method to use for delivering the order. Shipping methods are defined in the Environment module (General > Shipping Method).


Select the point at which ownership of material transfers to the customer. FOB details are defined in the Environment module (General > FOB)


Bill To Address

Select the address to use for billing for the order. The Lookup list is populated with addresses defined for the job (or the customer for non-job orders).

Billing Contact

Select the contact to bill for the order. The Lookup list is populated with contacts defined for the job (or the customer for non-job orders).

Payment Terms

Select the payment options from the drop down list.


Retainage refers to the practice of holding back a portion of each invoice until the project is complete. If applicable, enter the percent to hold back.  

Sales Tax Schedule

Select the schedule for taxes. The Lookup list is populated with addresses defined for the job (or the customer for non-job orders). 

Sales Tax Exemptions

Click to view and add tax exemptions.

For more information, refer to Working with Sales Tax.  

Sales Order Form

Select an option from the drop down list.

End Prep Pricing Template

Select an option from the drop down list use as the template.

Sales Summary Sort

Select an option from the drop down list to sort the Sales Summary.

Header Display Defaults

Check the options to be included in the header.