The system easily handles fabricated and non-fabricated rebar. For our purposes:

  • Fabricated rebar is any bar that is cut and/or bent based on customer or project requirements. 
  • Non-fabricated rebar is any bar this is provided in a pre-cut stock length "off-the-shelf."

Note: For simplicity, this documentation refers to "rebar." Plain round (smooth) bar is treated the same way. 

The main distinction is how the system tracks inventory for fabricated vs. non-fabricated items.

Fabricated Items

Fabricated items are associated to products that do not have a length. Because these items are "cut to order," they don't match up exactly with any stock length item you receive into inventory. (Downstream applications, such as Production Inventory, do track the stock bars these items are cut from, but the items themselves don't equate any single specific product with a length at the order level.) 


RB0460: Rebar Black #4 Grade 60


RB10400: Rebar Black 10M Grade 400

To enter a fabricated item (recommended):

  1. In the Product Category field, be sure to select Rebar Category.
  2. Skip the Product field. 
  3. Enter bar details as described in the sections that follow:

Non-Fabricated Items

Non-fabricated items have a length. These are items that you supply "as is" without cutting or bending, similar to any other off-the-shelf product.


RB0460-20: Rebar Black #4 Grade 60 (20-00)

RB0460-30: Rebar Black #4 Grade 60 (30-00)

RB0460-60: Rebar Black #4 Grade 60 (60-00)


RB10400-6: Rebar Black 10M Grade 400 (6000)

RB10400-9: Rebar Black 10M Grade 400 (9000)

RB10400-12: Rebar Black 10M Grade 400 (12000)

To enter a non-fabricated rebar item (by product method):

  1. In the Product Category field, be sure to select Rebar Category.
    In the Product field, select the desired product. The product you select should have a length. For example: RB0460-20: Rebar Black #4 Grade 60 (20-00) or RB10400-6: Rebar Black 10M Grade 400 (6000).
    The system will automatically complete many fields for you, including Material, Texture, Grade, Coating, and Length. Additionally, the Stock Length field will be automatically checked. This indicates that the supplied length is stock (non-fabricated).
  2. Enter quantity and any other required details for the item.

To enter a non-fabricated rebar item (by characteristics):

  1. In the Product Category field, be sure to select Rebar Category.
  2. Skip the Product field. 
  3. Enter bar details for a straight bar of the appropriate stock length.
  4. Check the field Stock Length. This indicates that the supplied length is stock (non-fabricated).