To take off bent steel:

  1. In the Product Category field, select Rebar Category.
  2. Complete the appropriate fields as described in the Bent Steel Takeoff table below. Use the Shape field to select the desired bar bend shape.
  3. After completing fields, press Enter or click Finish to complete and save the line item. 
    Alternately, if Customize Line Entry > Options > Skip Checkmark is checked, the line automatically saves when you complete the last required field.




Basic bar material, such as carbon steel or stainless.


Describes the surface of the bar: deformed or smooth.


Coating on the item, such as None, Epoxy, or Galvanized.


Grade of steel for the item.

Order Quantity

Item quantity; number of pieces.

Bar Diameter

Diameter or size of the bar.


Type the shape name, or click the dropdown arrow to select the desired shape. For details, refer to Selecting a Shape below.


Enter the leg and witness dimensions of the shape. Enter + to have the program automatically insert a standard or calculated dimension. For details, see Bent Bar Calculations.

Length (Theoretical)

The length of the current bar(s). The length is automatically calculated and displayed for bent bars based on the shape dimensions.

Bar Mark

Uniquely identifies the bar within the order. 

- Bar marks are often required for bent bars, but they may be optional based on your setup. 

- If auto-mark is on, click + or complete the line to have the program automatically insert a bar mark. 

* Normally, these fields are completed based on defaults, but they can be changed if needed.


  • Based on your system setup and product definitions, other fields may also be required. Refer to Line Entry Field Descriptions.
  • Based on your customization options, fields may display in the Entry Grid or Right Pane, or they may be hidden altogether. Fields may also display in any sequence.

Selecting a Shape

In the Shape field, use either of the following methods to select the desired shape.

To select a shape by typing the name:

  • Simply type the shape name.

To select a shape from the dropdown list:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Shape field. 
    A list of shape pictures displays in alpha-numeric order. 
  2. Scroll through the list, then click on the desired shape to load it into the field.
    HINT: To filter the dropdown, type the first character of the shape name, then click the down arrow.