Use the following process to fabricate or supply steel plates from rolled coil. If you are creating new stock items to be supplied off the shelf, refer to Creating Stock Products from Rolled Coil instead.

Listing Steel Plates in Order Entry

In Order Entry, you can create orders that include plates fabricated to length and/or off the shelf stock steel plates. The concept is similar to creating an order with cut and bent rebar and/or 20-00 precut stock length rebar. 

Cut to Length

Use the following as a guide to listing steel plates cut to length based on customer specifications. 

In the Line Item grid, complete the following fields:

  • Product Category - Select Rolled Coil (if you have a different category name for rolled coil material, select that category).
  • Complete required characteristic fields: Coating, Grade, Material, and Texture.
    Product - Select the source coil you are fabricating from. Example: 04x.25. Do not select a product with a defined length. 
  • Order Quantity - Enter the number of plates to produce.
  • Theoretical Length - Enter the length of the plates to supply. 

Stock Items

Use the following as a guide to listing off-the-shelf steel plate items pre-cut to a standard length. 

In the Line Item grid, complete the following fields:

  • Product Category - Select Rolled Coil (if you have a different category name for rolled coil material, select that category).
  • Product - Select the product to supply. Example: 04x.25-2.0. Be sure to select a product with a defined length. 
  • Order Quantity - Enter the number of plates to produce.

Steel Plates in Processing

Processing creates:

  • item tags for your steel plate items. Use the tags as a guide to fabricating the required steel plates. 
  • miscellaneous item tags for the pre-cut stock length steel plates. Scan the tags as you load the items for shipment.*

*Note: An optional feature is the ability to NOT create items tags for certain items. Then, you can scan inventory stock tags in Load Tracking to record these "non-processed" items as loaded. Refer to the Tracking Tools documentation for details. 

Steel Plates in Tracking applications

The process for tracking and fabricating steel plates is very similar to tracking rebar operations: 

  1. Scan the source coil material's stock tag. 
    This records the coil bundle as open and associates heat information to the steel plates being produced from that coil.
  2. Scan the item tag for the steel plate to start the timer.
  3. Cut the coil item to produce steel plates. 
  4. Scan the item tag again to stop the timer and record the bundle of steel plates as complete. 
  5. Attach the item tag to the steel plates.