Use the following as a guide to the way Multi-Currency is handled in common day-to-day activities.

Module & Task

Default Value Source

Changes Permitted*

Business Partner 

Set up a customer

  • Currency defaults from your Company settings.
  • Select the customer's home currency.


Set up a job

  • Currency defaults from the customer. 
  • Select the job currency.

Project Pricing

Create a bid; set the job value

  • If a job exists, the currency defaults from the job.
  • If the pricing is for an estimate only, the currency defaults from the customer or company. 
  • Exchange rates default from your company settings. 
  • If a job exists, the job's currency displays and cannot be changed.
  • If the pricing scenario references an estimate without a job, the currency may be changed. 
  • You can change exchange rates or lock rates for the project. 

Order Entry

Create an order

  • Currency defaults from the job or customer.
  • Transaction rates default from your company settings.
  • If the order references a customer without a job, you can change the order's currency.
  • If the order references a job, the job's currency displays and cannot be changed.
  • You can change exchange rates or lock rates for the order. 

Shipping Ticket

Create a shipment

Note: The same rules apply regardless of whether you create shipments from Shipping Ticket, Scheduling > Load Building, or from a scanner via Load Tracking. 

(Not applicable)

  • You cannot combine orders with different currencies onto the same shipment.
  • You cannot combine orders that have locked exchange rates with orders that have unlocked exchange rates on the same shipment. 
  • In order to combine orders with locked exchange rates onto the same shipment, the rates must be identical. 
  • You may combine orders with unlocked exchanged rates onto the same shipment. 


Create customer billings

The invoice is NOT based on an order/shipment:

  • Currency defaults from the job or customer.
  • Exchange rates default from your company settings. 

The invoice IS based on an order/shipment:

  • Currency defaults from the order and/or shipping ticket. 
  • Currency Exchange Rate Lock vs Unlock setting defaults from the order and shipping ticket.

The invoice is NOT based on an order/shipment:

  • If the invoice is not for a job, you can select a currency for the invoice. 
  • If the invoice is for a job, the job's currency displays and cannot be changed.
  • If exchange rates are not locked, you can change them for the invoice.

The invoice IS based on an order/shipment:

  • The currency cannot be changed.
  • You may change the Lock vs Unlock setting for the exchange rate.
    • If the exchange rate is locked, all orders on the invoice must use the same exchange rate.
    • If the exchange rate is unlocked, the system will obtain the current rate and apply it to all orders at the time the invoice is created.

Cash Receipts

Receive payments from your customers

  • All payments are in terms of the bank account's currency. 
  • Currency is determined by the bank account and cannot be changed. 
  • You can update exchange rates; these are used when transactions are posted to General Ledger. 

*Note: "Changes permitted" refers to changes allowed by the system. Security permissions defined by your administrator determine whether specific employees have the authority to make any of the changes listed above.