Setting Home Currency for Your Enterprise and Company
If you have Multi-Currency enabled, you must select a home currency for your enterprise and company. The enterprise home currency becomes the default at the company level, but you can override it if the company currency is different.
Enterprise Home Currency
Enterprise home currency is the "main" currency used by your entire organization. Reports that encompass multiple companies and locations will display monetary values in this currency when applicable.
To set the home currency for your enterprise:
- Open the Enterprise screen: Common > System Manager > Organization > Enterprise.
- In the Regional Settings section, be sure Multi-Currency is checked.
- In the Home Currency field, select the main currency used by the organization.
- Click Save
Company Home Currency
The company home currency is used for the standard cost and price of products and also for values in the Price Sheet and Price Matrix.
To set the home currency for your company:
- Open the Company > Main screen: Common > System Manager > Organization > Company > Main.
- Under Regional Settings, in the Home Currency field, select the main currency used by your company.
- Click Save