Exchange rates are used by the program to calculate values when different currency units are used throughout the system. 

To set up exchange rates:

  1. Open the Currency Exchange Rate editor (System Manager > Environment > General > Currency Exchange Rate). 
  2. If desired, check Automatically update Exchange Rates. When checked, the system automatically obtains rates from the internet and applies them to your system. 
    About the Currency Exchange grid:
    • Your enterprise home currency automatically displays as the Source Currency. All exchange values in the grid are expressed in terms if this currency. 
    • The grid lists each "active' currency in your system.
    • For row in the grid, the As of Date automatically updates any time that rate is changed.
  1. For each row in the grid, enter:
    • Rate Source / Target - how many of the source currency units are in 1 target unit.
    • Rate Target / Source - how many of the target units are in 1 source unit. 
      When you enter one of values above, the equivalent value is automatically calculated and displayed.
  1. Click Save .