Reserving a control code saves it for use by a specific user. If a control code is reserved for a user:

  • and that user clicks Next Number , the next available control code in the reservation list is automatically assigned.
  • other users cannot use the reserved control code for their orders.

Reserving Control Codes

To reserve a batch of control codes:

  1. Open Reserve Control Code: On the Order Entry screen, click Tools . On the Left Menu, select Reserve Control Code.
    The Reserve Control Code screen displays.
  2. Complete the screen using the following as a guide:
    • User - Select the user for whom you want to reserve control codes.
    • Location - Select the location for which to reserve control codes.
    • Quantity - Enter the number of control codes you want to reserve for the user.
    • Start With - Enter the first character of the control codes to assign.
  1. Click Proceed .
  2. If desired, repeat the above process to reserve additional control codes for the same user.