When an order or master order is open, the system "locks" the file so that only one user may access it at a time.

  • When the order (or master order) is closed normally, the system unlocks it, so that it can be opened by any aSa user (with appropriate permissions).
  • However, when the program terminates abruptly, the order may remain locked. No one — not even the person who was working on it — may open the order until it is unlocked.

Unlock files only in special circumstances, such as after a power failure or program error causes the application to close. You may lose data if you unlock a file that someone is actively working on.

Unlocking an Order

To unlock an order:

  1. Open Unlock Orders: On the Order Entry screen, click Tools . On the Left Menu, select Unlock Orders.
    The Unlock screen displays.
  1. In the Type field, select the type of orders to select for unlocking: 
    • Order 
    • Master Order 
  1. In the selection grid, check to select the order(s) that you want to unlock. 
    You may sort or filter grid data. Refer to Working with Grids for additional information.
  2. Click Proceed .
    A Confirm prompt displays.
  3. Click Proceed.