Several system tools, including Import, Export, and Order Entry Settings, allow you to save and reuse settings. A group of options or settings saved with a name is called a scheme

  • You can create as many schemes as you like and use them based on your situation and preferences.
  • You can change any of your custom schemes.
  • You cannot change or delete the built-in schemes supplied by aSa. 
  • You can use Save As to copy either of the aSa-supplied defaults it as the the staring point for any new custom scheme.

To save your settings for future sessions:

  1. Set up the desired settings. 
    For example, set up the desired Import settings, Export settings, or Order Entry Settings.
  2. Click Save As.

The Save As window displays.

  1. In the Target area, enter a name for your settings scheme.
  2. Click Proceed .
  3. To set the new scheme as your default, click Set As Default.

To update an existing scheme:

  1. Open the scheme as described above.
  2. Make any desired changes.
  3. Click Save .

To use the default scheme:

  • Simply open the tool (Import, Export, Order Entry Settings, etc.)
    The default scheme is automatically selected.

To use any saved scheme:

  • In the Setting field, select the desired scheme.

HINT: To create a new scheme that is similar to an existing one, open the original scheme, make your changes, then use Save As to create the new scheme.