Service items include any labor or time-related items that you want to record on an order and/or bill the customer for. 

Setting Up Service Items

The following is an overview of the procedure for setting up service products. 

To set up a service product in the system:

  1. In Common > Environment > General > Product Category, create a product category to use for service product classes and products. 
    Select the Product Category Type: Other
    HINT: As an alternative to creating a category specifically for service products, you can use a more generic product category, such as "Accessories," as long as the Product Category Type is Other. 
  2. In Inventory > Product > Product Class > Main, create a product class to use for service item products. 
    • Select the Product Category you created above.
    • In Product Type, select Service.
      HINT: Use Hours (for time) or Pieces (for generic units) for the Inventory unit of measure.
  1. In Inventory > Product > Product > Main, create one or more products to use for service items. 
    For each service product, select the service product class you created above.

Adding a Service Item to an Order

Simply add the service product to your orders as you would any other product.

Quantity is required: 

  • Enter a number if appropriate (Example: 8 hours).
  • Enter 1 if the quantity is irrelevant to the service item.