The Shape Listing report provides a listing of shapes in your system in grid format. Each entry includes a picture of the shape, the shape name, and notation whether the shape is 2D or 3D. 

Creating the Report

Basic report procedure described in Creating Order Entry Reports.

Data selection method


For example, you can filter the report based on Building Code, Catalog, Times Used, and other criteria.

Grouping options


Report options

Described below

Shape Listing Report Options

Show Custom Shapes

Include user-created shapes on the report. Uncheck to hide custom shapes.

Show Standard Shapes

Include built-in standard shapes for the applicable building code(s). Uncheck to to hide standard shapes.

Show Legacy Shapes

If the building code has multiple versions of shape standards (example ACI shape 2 and 102), check to include or uncheck to hide shapes associated with older building code versions. 

Show Filter

Check to include a list of data filter options (if applicable) at the top of the report.