The work order listing contains instructions to shop personnel for assembling a cage or other "assembled kit" item. 

Creating the Report

Basic report procedure described in Creating Order Entry Reports.

Data selection method

Grid Select or Filter

Grouping options


Report options

Described below

Work Order Listing Options


Use the drop-down menu to select the information to be displayed on the report.

  • Detail - report will contain kit product detail information, (quantity, inventory tags, bin, lot, serial number, barcode) and component detail information including shape image.
  • Summary - report will contain only summary page with total kit quantity to assemble and total quantity by components.
  • Summary with Detail - report will contain kit and component detail information and Summary Page.

Separate Page Per Kit

If the Work Order assembly kit quantity is greater than 1, each kit will be on a separate page.

Show Image

Include an image on the report.

Show Instructions

Include an instruction document on the report.

Show Tag Detail

Check to include bin, lot number, and serial number for the kit product.

Show Barcode

Display the barcode for each kit product.