Toolbar Buttons


Save your configuration and clear the screen.


Save your configuration without clearing the screen.


Cancel your configuration and start over.


Delete your current configuration.


Change the name of your current configuration.


Copy the entire configuration to another new configuration to make adjustments without changing the original.

Setup Fields


If the configuration is for a specific estimate, select the desired estimate. Leave blank to use the configuration with any estimate.


If the configuration is for a specific job, select the desired job. Leave blank to use the configuration with any job.

Building Code

The building code you selected on the Tie ID screen displays; view-only field. 

Shape Catalog

To assign the tie configuration to a specific shape catalog, select the desired catalog. Leave blank to use the configuration with any project regardless of catalog.


If the configuration requires a description, use the description field to annotate the shape. Leave blank if not needed.

Configuration Drawing Area


Select a tie or stirrup to add to the configuration.

Use Legacy Shapes

Applies to ACI building code. Check to use pre-2019 ACI shape IDs (S1, T1, etc.). Uncheck to use new shape IDs (201, 301, etc.).


Delete a specific tie or delete the entire configuration. 

Edit Layer

Select the order in which the ties will appear on CAD drawings.

Rectangular Circular 

Select the shape of your tie pattern: rectangular or circular. 

Note: Changing the shape of an existing pattern will clear all shapes and points.