Executive Summary

The following are the major features introduced in aSa.Studio v3.0.0.

Multiple Applications

  • The system now handles add-on lengths required for certain hooks. 
  • You can now define, take off, fabricate, and track steel plates. The system has the intelligence to manage plates as a dimensional product that you fabricate based on project requirements (like rebar). 

Opto-Shear Console

  • Track the Sheared status of items processed on the Opto-Shear Console. Additionally, you can track downtime and view scan history. 

Order Entry

  • Tie Calculator – New tool automatically calculates tie steel required for a column or beam based on: tie pattern, concrete dimensions, clearance, and vertical bar diameter. The calculator also develops the quantity of ties needed based on span and spacing. 
  • You can now load BVBS (bending schedule) data into an order. Click the Get Data button and select Get Data from BVBS. 

Processing and Tracking

  • Tags on demand – Print tags from your TouchTracker as you fabricate material. An alternative to printing tags in the office before production starts, tags on demand provides more flexibility to accommodate changing conditions and priorities. Additionally, you can print heat information on the bundle tags. 
  • Stock Loading – If you are supplying a customer with stock length steel, you can now load inventory bundles directly onto the trailer without the need to print additional tags. The system automatically relieves inventory and creates load transactions as needed.
  • Coil Manufacturing – You can now produce stock items from coil inventory. For example: fabricate 20 foot pieces of straight rebar from coil. The system generates a work order to create the stock items and validates available coil material based on the items to be produced.  
  • Reserve Remnants – When you apply an option to use on-hand remnant lengths for cutting, the remnants are now reserved in the system; this prevents them from accidentally being used on a different Processing run. 

Production Tracking

  • When you need to stop fabrication, you can now record a reason for the downtime: machine maintenance, changing stock steel, scheduled break, etc. Reports and inquiries show downtime information. 
  • Assembly tracking. When you create an assembly (or kit), such as a cage, you can now track the components as well as the final finished good product. 

Tie Designer – new aSa.Studio tool

  • Create custom tie configurations for use in Order Entry. (In future versions of aSa.Studio, the tie configurations will also be available for use in CAD/Detailing and Estimating.)

Transmittal – new aSa.Studio tool

  • Track drawings sent for approval to engineers, architects, and other stakeholders.