Downtime Inquiry

  • The printed report now handles date ranges properly; previously, activity that occurred on the last day of the range was excluded. (29686, 2022-02-18)

Group Tags

  • Eliminated time-out error that occurred in certain circumstances when you unloaded a Master Group Tag. (34858, 2022-11-15)
  • Eliminated issue in which mobile trackers did not always recognize a group tag as valid. (33913, 2022-09-30) 
  • Group tags now print correctly. (32383, 2022-07-21)

Heat Inquiry

  • Inquiries now include information for work order tags when appropriate. (35215, 2022-12-01)
  • When you print the Order report and shipping ticket from the Heat Inquiry screen, the system now uses the form settings from Environment. Previously, the default Order report and "Standard Shipping Ticket" always printed. (31438, 2022-05-24)
  • Improved performance: the control code navigator now displays much more quickly and without timeout issues. (30358, 2022-03-14)
  • The system now tracks heat information for manufactured mesh sheets. (29698, 2022-02-16)
  • You can now print orders and shipping tickets from the Heat Inquiry screen. When you click Print, a window with options displays. (23253, 2021-09-27)

Inventory Tracking

  • In-progress quantities are now correct when you scan items for book to physical reconciliation. (38844, 2023-06-05)
  • When you receive tags by scanning CRSI format barcodes, the system now handles coating data correctly. If coating is blank in the barcode, data and you do not have the equivalent product defined, an appropriate message now displays. (38625, 2023-05-25)
  • Eliminated "417 error" that could occur when you assemble a kit, and one of its components is (itself) a stock kit. (38010, 2023-04-20)
  • Corrected issue in which the system did not recognize certain supported Australian mill tags. (37033, 2022-02-26) 
  • When you open coil bundle, fabricate material, and adjust the estimated coil remaining, the value saves correctly and you can close the stock coil item without issue. (36496, 2023-01-30)
  • Updated the program to better read certain mill tags that do not follow CRSI standard formatting. (34666, 2022-11-04)
  • The inventory screen no longer freezes after you scan tags in the shop; the issue was related to long product descriptions. (34608, 2022-11-02)
  • Grade substitutions are now tracked properly when you create work orders for manufactured products. (34541, 2022-10-28)
  • Improved the way the system tracks and associates heat information when you activate a pending remnant. (33499, 2022-09-15)
  • If you scan a mill tag with Coating: (blank) built into the barcode, aSa now scans the tag without issue as an uncoated bar. (33594, 2022-09-16) 
  • Improved the way the system groups and itemizes items on the Stock Inventory report. Previously, the report was grouping remnants that should have been itemized by length. (33271, 2022-09-07) 
  • Improved the way the system reads heat numbers in certain mill barcode formats (33211, 2022-08-30)
  • If the barcode on a mill tag is unreadable, you can now enter the code without issues. Previously, the keyboard only allowed numerical entries, and some mill tags use alpha characters. (33291, 2022-09-02)
  • Eliminated "Unexpected Error" that occurred in certain circumstances when you scanned to receive material into inventory. (33031, 2022-08-22)
  • The system now records the Printed status of inventory tags printed from Enter Receipts. (32643, 2022-08-02)
  • The system now validates Country on rebar items. For example, if a U.S. fabricator requires domestic steel, the system will only allow steel associated with United States. (30404, 2022-05-25)
  • "You have exceeded the use or one or more coil bundles" no longer displays when the total open bundles have enough product for the scanned item. (31374, 2022-05-09)
  • For BTO kits, when heat information isn't assigned at the assembly process, it is now assigned at loading. This is to accommodate companies that fabricate and ship BTO kits but sub-contract the assembly. (31379, 2022-05-13)
  • Improved the system to handle importing CRSI-format stock tags with a MillTagID up to 100 characters. Improved validation for tags with no coating specified. (31246, 2022-04-28)
  • Eliminated Timeout issue that sometimes occurred when you closed an inventory bundle. (30764, 2022-04-01)
  • The system now:
    • validates inventory when open and close the bundle on a double scan operation
    • properly records machine overrides when you change the assigned path
    • validates double scan operations properly when you change the assigned machine path (30185, 2022-03-07)
  • Enhanced printing inventory remnants from mobile scanners based on recent Windows Studio Service changes. (30103, 2022-03-08)
  • The Remaining Quantity value now displays correctly on Rebar, Mesh, and Plate inventory tags. (29746, 2022-02-04)
  • The system no longer displays a "kit components need to be assembled" assembled message when you process a BTO kits and your environment does have or require an assembly area/machine. (29237, 2022-01-06)
  • Improved the way the system handles the following situation: a manufacturing tag has not been activated, but you attempt to scan the tag in relief mode. (29190, 2021-12-27)
  • Corrected issue in which multiple windows stacked on top of each other when you attempted to adjust inventory on the TouchTracker. (28634, 2021-11-23)
  • The system can now scan to receive stock material that has a grade longer than 15 characters. (26096, 2021-09-03)

Load Tracking

  • Corrected issue in which dynamic load tracking was not working properly due to recent changes in Scheduling. (40185, 2023-08-18) 
  • When you load a trailer directly from stock material, associated bundle weights are now updated correctly. (37038, 2023-02-26)
  • When you validate loading based on scanning only master bundle tags, system checks for active load and completed fabricating processes are now handled correctly. (37255, 2023-02-28) 
  • If you attempt to scan a pending stock kit at trailer loading, the system now requires that the tag be activated; it is not recorded as loaded. (36396, 2023-02-06) 
  • When line items on an order are placed on different shipping tickets and loads, the shipped status of the order is now only updated when all the items have been produced and shipped. (36553, 2023-01-31)
  • Eliminated "Invalid scan" that sometimes appeared when a user with appropriate permissions attempted to override a scan, (35234, 2022-12-01)
  • The Load Card that displays at the bottom of the mobile scanner now always includes a progress bar; previously, it was hidden in certain circumstances. (35038, 2022-11-21)
  • Eliminated error that occurred in certain circumstances when you selected to Unload a bundle. (34803, 2022-11-10)
  • Improved logic for allowing or preventing employee overrides when you load by scanning master bundle tags. (33208, 2022-09-07)
  • Eliminated repeating "Add CC to load" message that occurred in certain circumstances. (32217, 2022-07-11)
  • Improved validations so that a load cannot be finalized unless all items from associated shipping tickets are loaded in full. (31908, 2022-06-24)
  • Corrected issue in which, in certain circumstances, the system updated the Load status of a tag when you answered No to the "Assign to this load" prompt. (30558, 2022-04-29)
  • Corrected an issue in which certain tags -- in scenarios where the order quantity was split into multiple tags --  could not be scanned as loaded. (311047, 2022-04-22)
  • Enhanced printing shipping tickets from mobile scanners based on recent Windows Studio Service changes. (30103, 2022-03-08)
  • You can now associate an existing shipping ticket to a dynamic load. (30046, 2022-02-25)
  • Based on your preferences, when you scan the first for an order to assign it to a load, the system can: automatically assign all items from the order to the load; only assign the current item to the load; or display a prompt so you can select the desired option on the scanner. The environment option that controls these settings has been implemented. (29945, 2022-02-18)
  • New options allow you to sort the Load report by ship date and ship time, as well as load. (29993, 2022-02-21)
  • The Not Loaded inquiry now shows information in card view. This provide more information in an easy to view format. (24588, 2022-01-05)
  • Improved performance to accommodate companies that assign very large control codes to a load, then split items into multiple shipments. (28961, 2021-12-10) 
  • New environment option allows you to automatically print shipping tickets from the scanner. (25715, 2021-09-17)
  • When you build a load via Dynamic Loading on the scanner, and the load is complete, you can now print the shipping ticket directly from the scanner. New settings allow you to set up the scanner to print and to specify the number of copies to output. (24271, 2021-09-15)
  • When you build a load via Dynamic Loading on the scanner, and the load is complete, the shipping ticket number now displays for your reference. (24210, 2021-09-15)

Machine Instructions

  • Corrected an error that occurred when you generated machine instructions on the TouchTracker. (25824, 2021-10-06)
  • Improved instructions sent to certain EVG machines. (29879, 2022-09-30)

Production Tracking

  • When you scan to activate a pendant remnant tag from a work order, the system now closes the order if the tag is last (or only) tag for the work order. (38669, 2023-05-24) 
  • If the system cannot successfully assign a route to an item, tracking solutions automatically assume it is incomplete until it is marked complete by an employee with appropriate permissions. (37726, 2023-03-30)
  • When line items on an order are placed on different shipping tickets and loads, the shipped status of the order is now only updated when all the items have been produced and shipped. (36553, 2023-01-31)
  • When you assemble multiple kits, the system now allows to create the first kit as soon as all components for that kit have been fabricated. Previously, the system required you to fabricate all components for the entire kit quantity before proceeding. (36281, 2023-01-23)
  • Eliminated an issue in which the scanner would not read a tracking barcode after the equipment interface barcode was scanned in certain scenarios. (35625, 2022-12-16)
  • Corrected issue in which certain service items were never "closed," even though the orders they belong to were have shipped. (33819, 2022-09-26)
  • Performance improvement: the TouchTracker data grid now populates faster when you scan a tag. (33410, 2022-09-14)
  • Eliminated issue in which certain items were not properly recorded as Fabricated based on machine priority. (33296, 2022-09-05)
  • Improved inventory and heat validations for material when you use a storage area to "pre-stage" stock length bundles. (33209, 2022-09-01)
  • Updated the way COM port settings are stored to avoid losing connection to TouchTracker. (30230, 2022-03-18)
  • When a machine does not require inventory to be opened prior to production tracking, the system no longer displays erroneous inventory-related validation messages. (30548, 2022-03-21)
  • The system no longer validates service products that are components of a kit when determining if the kit is fully assembled. (29558, 2022-01-20)
  • Downtime sessions that are currently active no longer show an erroneous End Time on system inquiries. (29409, 2022-01-13)
  • On a single machine, there can now be only one instance of downtime at any given time. (29460, 2022-01-13)

Productivity Inquiry

  • Eliminated an issue in which the wrong customer name displayed in the Productivity Inquiry. (32220, 2022-07-11)
  • Bar diameters now display consistently on the inquiry screen. (2022-03-29)


  • If you are set to round inventory units up, you can now scan to receive rebar stock items into inventory without issues. (41304, 2023-10-16)
  • When you scan a vendor-supplied mill tag, the system internally marks the tag as "printed." This is so you can reproduce it using the Reprint utility if needed. (28432, 2021-11-09)
  • You can now associate heats to any mesh product being received. (26470, 2021-09-30)

Receipts Inquiry

  • Eliminated issues with formatting and duplicate data in the Receipts inquiry. (28695, 2021-12-06)


  • Data on the Heats by Item Tag report is now handled correctly when control code items are processed across several Processing runs. (37348, 2023-03-03) 
  • When you print from tracking devices, non-tag printers are now validated properly. (31416, 2021-05-11)
  • The Heat Summary report now sorts by: Product ID, Mill Name, and Heat/Powder ID. (30405, 2021-03-18)

Tracking Inquiry

  • Improved performance to avoid time-out errors when inquiring on loads with many remaining bundles. (29697, 2022-01-28)
  • Inquiry data is now handled properly for material that is rerouted. (28926, 2021-12-08)
  • "Tag" info for service products no longer display in the Tracking Inquiry results. (28967, 2021-12-09)