
  • Eliminated error that occurred when you attempted to export an order with length unit: centimeters. (23856, 2021-02-02)


  • When you import multiple RDX orders that reference the same job, and you select to update the job, the import now works as expected. (2021-02-15)
  • Eliminated issue in which certain shapes containing freeform slopes did not import correctly. (25633, 2021-05-17)
  • Improved validations for importing inventory products. (2021-04-21) 
  • The element multiplier is now handled correctly when you import RDX orders. (24583, 2021-03-11)
  • When you drag and drop a group of control codes to be imported, all the selected control codes now display. Previously, DOS files would be missing from the list in certain scenarios. (24543, 2021-03-12)
  • Improved job validations. Previously, when you imported multiple RDX files with some valid and some invalid jobs, the system wasn't checking job data correctly. (243920, 2021-03-02)
  • If you import an RDX file, and the order is associated to a job that has a different length unit of measure, an appropriate warning now displays. The length unit from the RDX is used. (24055, 2021-02-10)
  • Improved validations for importing Shape 32 from DOS format. (23801, 2021-01-28)
  • Corrected an issue where decimal key ins would throw validation errors. (23341, 2020-12-28)
  • Corrected an issue in which orders containing only one Tag Text record did not import correctly. (22895, 2020-11-19)
  • Corrected an issue in which DOS files imported with a quantity of 0. (22677, 2020-11-05)
  • Corrected issue importing RDX files containing varying bars with multipliers. (22524, 2020-10-30) 
  • Corrected issue importing certain 3D shapes from an RDX file. (20117, 2020-10-29)