General Functionality

  • You can now set up the system to track material at staging areas. (2021-11-04) 
  • Eliminated issue in which some scans were recorded with the wrong time. (28040, 2021-10-20)
  • Eliminated issue in which closing a coil stock item caused the weight to be incorrect. (27262, 2021-08-27)
  • Create Remnant Tags, Relieve Inventory Tags, Bin Transfer, and Adjust Inventory Tags now handle mill tag IDs properly (26998, 2021-08-11)
  • Resolved issue with tags being duplicated upon validation. (26829, Added: 2021-08-05)
  • Added additional barcode functionality. (26806, 2021-08-05)
  • Resolved issue with Touch Tracker App not distributing the usage of coils correctly. (26585, 2021-07-20)
  • When you create a stock kit that includes rebar items, heat numbers are now associated properly to the inventory tag when it is activated. (26532, 2021-07-14)
  • Enhanced system to handle BTO tracking in environments where that don't have a specific Assembly area (machine) defined. (26387, 2021-07-12)
  • If a tracking module is set as the "final" module of the workflow, orders are no longer being set to Closed immediately after Processing. (26167, 2021-06-15)
  • Eliminated "Exception" error that could occur in certain circumstances when the TouchTracker interfaced with some equipment types. (25823, 2021-05-25)
  • Improved revision history tracking for scanner operations; previously, the system recorded the wrong user and application in certain scenarios. (25716, 2021-05-24)


  • You can now adjust inventory tags for stock kit products. (26310, 2021-06-23)

Book to Physical

  • You can now select and freeze all products without issues. (27431, 2021-08-31)
  • The system now properly reads Soule-generated inventory tags in Physical mode. (27424, 2021-09-31)
  • The Book to Physical Screen now displays the mill tag ID when it is present. (26201, 2021-06-15)
  • Data now load properly for locations that have only a single warehouse. (26174, 2021-06-16)

Inventory Tags

  • Updated tag design to improve display of Heat ID and Mill ID. (26390, 2021-06-30)

Load Tracking

  • Scanning a trailer tag now works properly. (24209, 2021-02-24)

Production Tracking

  • Coil consumption now updates when you produce items from coil stock. (26273, 2021-06-21)
  • If your shop does not validate bending, the system no longer displays "Item must be bent" at the loading station. (25531, 2021-05-04)


  • Eliminated issue in which some defined mills were not available to be selected in Receipts. (28650, 2021-11-22)
  • Mill now displays on heat reports; previously, the vendor displayed. (28606, 2021-11-18)
  • When you receive a rebar coil sub-product, the Heat field is now enabled. (28316, 2021-11-04)
  • The system now supports tracking heat information for stock kit items for companies that treat common dowels and bent bars as "stock" items to be assembled into kits. (28055, 2021-10-18)
  • The system now reads AZA format mill barcodes. (26510, 2021-08-06)
  • If a CRSI format barcode for stock coil bar does not contain a total length, the system now processes the tag correctly and calculates length based on the coil's weight. (26420, 2021-07-08)
  • Added validations to prevent duplicate bundles being received via scanning CRSI-format barcodes. (26198, 2021-06-15) 
  • Print/Reprint Inventory Tags now load mill tags correctly when you load by Tag ID. 26139, 2021-06-15) 
  • When you receive a tag by scanning a CRSI-format barcode, then attempt to receive it again, an appropriate message -- rather than an error -- now displays. (26075, 2021-06-08)
  • When the system cannot receive material via barcode scan, the mobile scanner now displays a message that includes the problem data. Example: Unknown Grade. (26071, 2021-06-17)
  • The system now handles CRSI barcodes that contain grade values with more than 15 characters. (26068, 2021-06-22)

Reports and Inquiries

  • Eliminated an issue in which some heats were missing from the Tracking Inquiry. 28114, 2021-10-19)
  • The Stock Inventory report now displays weight and quantity values in the correct columns. (27261, 2021-08-20)
  • The grid filter now works properly. (25511, 2021-05-03)
  • When you assign a bundle to a storage area, the assigned area now displays properly on Tracking inquiries. (25510, 2021-05-04)
  • Added an option to Show Shape Picture on the Load report. (25457, 2021-05-04) 
  • Heat Summary report -- summary option -- now groups data by order. This is consistent with the equivalent aSa ex report. (25007, 2021-04-16)
  • Improved header display on Processing and heat-related reports. (24561, 2021-04-22)
  • Element Description now displays in the Tracking Inquiry. (24477, 2021-03-04)
  • Shipping Ticket now displays in the Tracking Inquiry. (24378, 2021-02-25)
  • The Storage Inquiry now shows Ship Date and Ship Time. (23958, 2021-02-23)
  • In the Tracking inquiry, a new Tracking Panel shows percentage sheared, bent, etc. Additionally, you can filter grid contents in variety of useful ways. (20420, 2021-01-12)
  • In the Production Tracking Inquiry, you can now load bundle data by run and session, as well as other criteria. (20376, 2020-10-15)

Tags on Demand

  • Cut lists on demand now work for tags only and optimized lists. (28123, 2021-10-29)

Void Tags

  • Added validation to prevent you from voiding a tag if it is currently open in a double scan operation. (26978, 2021-08-18)