
  • You can now filter productivity inquiry data based on welding operations. (28557, 2021-12-03)

Machine Interfaces

  • Eliminated "No Traceability" error that could occur with Schilt automated machinery in certain circumstances; the issue related to decimal millimeter values. (45601, 2024-06-12)
  • Corrected an issue in the KRB shearline interface that caused tag messages to appear on every line, rather than when bundles were finished. (39340, 2023-11-22)
  • Addressed issue in which lengths generated for the RMS Shear Console interface were erroneously rounded down in certain circumstances. (40653, 2023-09-18) 
  • Corrected issue in which RMS Shear Console interface file was not generating in certain circumstances. (37988, 2023-04-19)
  • Added machine interface for Schnell Reta 20. (37121, 2023-02-28) 
  • Corrected an issue in which certain lengths were not being transmitted to the Schilt interface correctly. (35549, 2022-12-15)
  • Corrected issue in which all cuts from a load were not being loaded into the Schilt interface. (35247, 2022-12-02)
  • Improved data generated for KRB Shearline console interface. (34186, 34273, 2022-10-18)
  • Implemented Schilt equipment interface instructions. (32607, 2022-10-21)  
  • Improved instructions sent to certain EVG machines. (29879, 2022-09-30)
  • Performance improvement: the TouchTracker data grid now populates faster when you scan a tag. (33410, 2022-09-14)
  • Enhanced validations to prevent machine interfaces from being deleted when certain patch programs were installed. (33079, 2022-08-22)
  • Corrected issue in which dimensions for certain U-shaped bars were not correct in the interface instructions. (30041, 2022-08-03)
  • Equipment interface instructions now properly handle partial turns for rectangular spirals. (31424, 2022-05-30)
  • If leg-angle data is missing from the machine instructions, the TouchTracker will now attempt to generate this information on the fly; this will reduce the instances of "No leg angle data" error appearing. (31559, 2022-05-25)
  • Corrected issue in which number of turns instructions transferred to MEP machinery was not correct for certain spirals. (31355, 2022-05-05)
  • Corrected issue in which certain shapes with "back bending" did not interface properly with certain MEP machinery. (30843, 2022-04-20)
  • Corrected issue in which shape T3 and similar shapes with a radial leg connected to an angle leg did not interface properly with machines that use BVBS 2.0. (30556, 2022-04-22)
  • The system now generates instructions for producing square spirals on appropriate machines. (29976, 2022-03-30)
  • Corrected issue in which tags for certain circular shapes produced a "Tag does not exist" error with certain interfaces. (30601, 2022-03-25)
  • Improved the way aSa.Studio connects to Schnell Coil 16 and Schnell Robomaster machines. (28836, 2021-12-03)

On Demand Tag Printing

  • Corrected formatting issue that caused tags to print with the wrong orientation. (28657, 2022-02-18)


  • When you print tags in reverse order, remnant tags now print in the proper sequence. (38088, 2023-04-26)
  • Corrected an issue in which certain non-rebar items were combined on a tag, even though Accumulate was unchecked. (37309, 2023-03-03)
  • Improved efficiency for optimizing very large processing runs (example: 500,000 tons of steel). (37400, 2023-03-08)
  • When you process a work order for a stock kit, the system now generates the correct tags for the the components and the assembled inventory item. (36415, 2023-01-26)
  • Items produced as part of a rebar manufacturing processes (such as prefabricating dowels) now default to tags only, rather than the machine's default optimization setting. (35207, 2022-11-30)
  • View Remnants no longer contains "String Not Found" column headings. (34444, 2022-10-25)
  • When a shearing run creates remnants, you can now export a list of the remnant material to a CSV file. (34328, 2022-10-19) 
  • Eliminated pocket assignment and timeout issues that occurred when the system created optimization instructions for certain shearlines. (34018, 2022-10-04)
  • Bend Curvature Deduction (BCD) is now calculated correctly when you override the pin size, and the bar is a custom 3D shape. (33133, 2022-09-30)
  • If an order requires material from from a specific country, the system prevents it from being combined in teh sames session with orders that do not have this requirement. (31543, 2022-06-07)
  • Enhanced the system to handle importing special mesh products. A flag denotes that weight comes from the import file and is not calculated in aSa.Studio. (31214, 2022-05-11)
  • Enhanced the system to handle weight and bundle calculation for special mesh products. (31216, 2022-05-12)
  • Eliminated erroneous dump stop validations; previously, error messages displayed erroneously in certain circumstances. (30650, 2022-04-04)
  • Improved material handling based on "Dump stops by machine" Environment setting. (30783, 2022-04-05) 
  • Improved the way bundles are handled for varying bars when you use machinery with self-evacuating pockets. (30782, 2022-04-05)
  • Updated cut list sequence. Items are now sorted by: Coating, Grade, Diameter, Process Type (optimized or tags only), route ID. (30840, 2022-04-06)
  • In the Processing grid, you can now hover over a shape ID to see a popup with the detailed picture. (30775, 2022-04-06)
  • Updated naming convention for cut list IDs so that it is easy to compare Processing-generated reports to Opto-Shear Console cutting screens. (2022-04-06)
  • When possible, based on cutting combinations, packaging, and other criteria, the system now avoids making shorts bars the last ones cut in a load. (30775, 31125 2022-04-06)
  • Improved optimization performance. The change improves speed overall and eliminates time-out errors in very large sessions (example 1,000 tons). (30528, 2022-03-25)
  • Improved the way used pockets are tracked to eliminate erroneous "Insufficient pocket space" issues. (30486, 2022-03-25)
  • Stop assignment and master bundle alignment are now handled correctly for machines in which the shear head -- rather than the table -- moves. (30683, 2022-03-29)
  • Corrected issue in which XML files generated by Processing were causing erroneous scrap data to be displayed on the Opto-Shear console. (30747, 2022-03-31)
  • The last item tag in a master bundle now displays **. This is consistent with ex Production. (30773, 2022-04-01)
  • You can now create a report similar to the Item Bundle Check List and include each item's warehouse. (30566, 2022-03-23) 
  • When you print Tags Only tags and select Route / Master Bundle sequence, the tags now print in the correct order. (29808, 2022-02-08)
  • Corrected an issue in which Processing data was locked -- and could not be unlocked using system tools -- in certain unique circumstances. (29700, 2022-01-31) 
  • Improved the way data loads into Processing when you select an order. (29738, 2022-02-02)
  • Shear Schedule cutting instructions are now correct when you enable overrun. (Overrun is the practice of providing a bar that is slightly shorter (1" is the standard in the U.S.) than the specified cut length in order to improve cutting results.) (29755, 2022-02-04) 
  • Non-rebar items marked process only may be changed in Processing to print tags. Likewise, items set to print tags may be changed to process only in Processing. (29418, 2022-01-11)
  • Work order inventory tags now print correctly. (29440, 2022-01-12)
  • Corrected an issue in which Processing marked certain accessory only orders as locked incorrectly. (29479, 2022-01-13)
  • The system now supports substituting bar diameter, grade, and coating via Processing options. (15468, 2021-12-21
  • Corrected rounding and display issues on the Mesh Welding report. (28599, 2021-11-22)
  • Corrected an issue in which you could only print 100 tags from a work order. (28567, 2021-11-16)
  • You can now preview the Rebar Summary Report on-screen to help with production planning. (28216, 2021-11-04)
  • The Order Lookup grid now includes Order Release ID. (28154, 2021-10-26)
  • Processing now supports printing tags for on the fly shapes with no picture. (26516, 2021-07-06) 
  • The Route Information window now includes machines names as well as IDs. Example: C1 > L2, Coil Machine 1 > Loading Bay 2. (24830, 2021-07-12)
  • Corrected an issue in which certain shapes (two-plane, galloping stirrups, spirals, and radials) were not being evaluated for machine routing properly. (25922, 2021-08-09)


  • Inquiries that contain heat information now download properly. (31931, 2022-06-17)
  • Adjusted formatting for the color/shape area of the Item Bundle Check List. (30856, 2022-04-07)
  • On the Rebar Summary report, Control Code Summary and Rebar Summary section weights are now consistent. (30502, 2022-03-21)
  • Accumulated weight is now correct on the Cut List report. Also adjusted report formatting based onc customer feedback. (28887, 2021-12-27) 
  • The Item Bundle Check List now excludes service items. (28968, 2021-12-13)
  • Accumulated weight values are now correct on the Cut List report. (28887, 2021-12-05)
  • Added option to include shading on the Item Bundle Check List and Master Bundle Check List reports. (28885, 2021-12-10)
  • Weight is now correct on the Rebar Stock Summary section of the Mesh Welding report. (28597, 2021-11-18)
  • For reporting purposes, the system now stores data for tagged and untagged remnants. (15948, 2021-11-08)
  • The report now displays piece and weight subtotals per bar diameter for each stock length used in a run. (28069, 2021-10-15)
  • Processing now generates a Production Summary report, similar to the one created in aSa ex Production. (28066, 2021-10-22)
  • The Production Summary now includes a total by bar diameter. (28217, 2021-10-28)

Reprint Tags

  • Made improvements that allow you to more easily find and reprint remnant tags. (28431, 2021-11-16)


  • When you maximize the screen, the horizontal scroll bar is now visible and usable. (30608, 2022-03-25)

Routing / Machine Evaluation

  • When you import a DOS control code that contains a bar with a straight end prep, the system now handles routing and scan validation properly. Additionally, the end prep picture now displays on the tag as expected. (41277, 2023-10-19)
  • When an item with an end preps cannot be assigned to any end prep machine based on machine exclusions, an appropriate message now displays. (39546, 2023-07-11)
  • Eliminated issue in which spirals could not be assigned to certain spiral machines unless "Radius" was checked in machine setup. (35220, 2022-12-01)
  • Improved machine validations for spiral bars. Previously, some spirals were failing validation erroneously. (31417, 2022-05-24) 
  • Corrected an issue in which certain custom radial bars were not routed correctly. (30982, 2022-04-12)
  • The system now correctly handles validation if you set up a cutting machine and configure its priorities soi that all bending machines are excluded. In this scenario, bent items will not have a valid route, allowing you to fix your machine definitions. (30832, 2022-04-08)
  • The system now longer assigns machine routes to service items. (28966, 2021-12-13)
  • Minimum head separation is now being used correctly when the system evaluates material for assignment to a double bender. (2021-12-06)

Shearing Optimization

  • Corrected an issue in which .OSU data was resulting in incorrect cut lengths, stock lengths, and number of loads on the shearline in certain circumstances. (39341, 2023-06-30)
  • Improved validations so that when you set up minimum values for a new shearline, the data saves correctly and eliminates Insufficient Bin Space errors in Processing. (35178, 2022-12-30)
  • Eliminated "Shear Schedule Initialization error" that occurred with certain shearlines; the error related the work space defined for the shearline. (34721, 2022-11-04) 
  • Improved performance for scenarios in which material is optimized but master bundle tags are not being created. The system now attempts to fill and evacuate pockets faster. (34272, 2022-10-19)
  • Eliminated issue in which shearing instructions generated remnants in one load that were the same length needed to cut in the next load in certain circumstances. (31569, 2022-05-23)

Tag Design

  • You can now display cut and theoretical lengths rounded to the nearest inch on tags for orders detailed in millimeters. (29492, 2022-03-03)
  • You can now display vendor name on bundle tags. (2021-12-15)
  • You can now display pin diameters in mm on bundle tags. (2021-12-03)
  • Improved display of fabricated mesh on stub portion of tags. (28575, 2021-11-17)
  • Manufactured mesh producers: Mesh Created Date and Created By fields may now be included on your tag design. (28510,  2021-11-16)

Tag Display

  • Dimensions for on-the-fly shapes now display on bundle tags. (29167, 2021-12-27)
  • Corrected issue in which dimensions were cut off at the top and/or bottom on some shape pictures. (28894, 2012-12-05)