Shape Entry and Calculations

  • Added new options for recalculating when slope or radius legs legs fail validation. (21538, 2020-Sep-9)
  • Corrected issue with specific shapes failing on import. (21515, 2020-Aug-31)
  • Eliminated an issue with the rule evaluator. (20622, 2020-07-17)
  • If there are radial bars present on a shape, a leg named F will not be allowed. (20612, 2020-07-17)
  • You can now enter 0 extra turns for a spiral. (19980, 2020-Jun-8)
  • You now now enter on the fly shapes (shapes not created in Shape Designer) directly in Order Entry. 
    • You can now enter dimensions around the shape picture. (16111, 2020-Jun-15)
    • Corrected issues with 180 and 135 hooks displaying incorrectly on reports and tags. (19084, 2020-Apr-29)
  • Improved validation for older imported shapes. (19231, 2020-May-05)
  • Improved validations for shape 25. (19605, 2020-May-20)
  • Improved validation and scaled picture for arc shapes. (19620, 19622, 2020-May-21)
  • Improved validations for importing 3D shapes. (20116, 2020-Jun-16)