In aSa.Studio, "status" refers to an entity's current state within the larger work flow. Order status and Schedule status affect how you will use Scheduling to best serve your needs. 

HINT: It is often helpful to filter grid data to see only certain order and schedule statuses. Refer to Working with the Scheduling Grid.

Order Status

In the life cycle of an order, it can be assigned the following statuses. Most status changes happen automatically based on certain triggers in the system, but some can be changed manually.

  • Open - The order has been created and has not yet been included on a Processing run. 
  • Incomplete - The order has been started, but is not complete. Typically, an employee with appropriate permissions will change the status to Approval or Open to indicate that it can be scheduled or processed. 

Note: The default status for new orders is automatically set to Open or Incomplete based on your business practices. (This option is defined in System Default > Enterprise > Default New Order Status.) 

  • Approval - Depending on your business practices, you may or may not use this status. When used, a user with appropriate permissions changes the status from Incomplete to Approval. 
  • Processed - This status is automatically assigned by the program when all items on the order have been processed in the Processing module.
  • Shipped - This status is automatically assigned by the program when the order is placed on a shipping ticket, and the shipping ticket status is updated to Shipped. 
  • Closed - This status indicates that you are finished with the order. Based on your business practices, this may be when it is processed or it may be later when the shipping ticket is printed, when it is invoiced, or after material has been installed at the job site. Typically, the Closed status is assigned automatically based on System Manager > Workflow, but it may also be assigned manually using the Order Entry > Close Orders tool.
  • Cancelled - An order that was created is no longer going to be updated or processed. This status is manually assigned by the user.

Schedule Status

Within the scheduling process, orders can be assigned the following statuses. 

  • Unscheduled - the order has not been assigned a production or delivery date.
  • Scheduled - the order has been assigned a production or delivery date.
  • Confirmed - Depending on your business practices, you may or may not use this status. When used, a user with appropriate permissions must mark the schedule status as confirmed before the order may be added to a shipping ticket or processing run. Refer to Schedule Status Confirmation.

Reserved - When you reserve weight to fabricate on a selected date, the reservation is automatically assigned the Schedule status: Reserved. Refer to Working with Reservations for details.