The Currency screen is enabled if you are licensed for Multi-Currency

Use the Currency screen to set the transaction currency for the order or to change currency exchange rates.

Note: The following rules and validations apply to changing exchange rates for an order:

  • If the order references a customer without a job, you can change the order's currency.
  • If the order references a job, the job's currency displays and cannot be changed.
  • You can change exchange rates or lock rates for the order. 

Transaction Currency

Currency used for the order. If the order is associated with an estimate and not a job, you may change the transaction currency. 

Enterprise Currency

Your organization's enterprise home currency. Display-only field.

Lock Rates

When checked, rates will not automatically be updated from the Internet unless unless a user with appropriate permissions unlocks the rates. 

Exchange Rate Table

For each row in the grid, specify:

  • Rate Source / Target - how many of the source currency units are in 1 target unit.
  • Rate Target / Source - how many of the target units are in 1 source unit. 
    When you enter one of values above, the equivalent value is automatically calculated and displayed.