To define a rolled coil product:

  1. From the Product module, select Product > Main.
  2. Enter the Product ID and Description.
  3. In Product Class, select the product class that you set up to use for rolled coil items.
    Many defaults will populate based on the product class.
  4. Set Product Type to Stock Kit
  5. As needed, use the Main, Units of Measure, Characteristics, Share, and Location Settings to set up additional information for the product. 
  6. If you meet either of the following conditions, complete the Sub-Product screen as described below:
    • You stock pre-cut steel plates as an off-the-shelf item.
    • You produce smaller dimension rolled coils from larger ones. For example, you create 2 sets of 3-00 wide coils from an original coil of 6-00 wide material. 
  1. Use the Warehouse tab to indicate which warehouses in your system may assemble and supply the product. 
    Note: Be sure to check the Preferred Warehouse for each location.
  2. Click Finish

Setting Up Sub-Products for Rolled Coil Items

A parent product has all the characteristics of an item without a defined length. Parent products represent the source "base" product for fabricated material. Sub-product is simply a stock length that you supply. The sub-product has the same characteristics as its respective parent product, but it has defined dimension(s).

For a more detailed explanation and examples, refer to Understanding Parent Products and Sub-Products. In the example below, the parent product is 4-00 (wide), 1/2" (thick) rolled coil steel. The sub-products are:

  • SP4x0.4-C - A smaller coil of the same product.
  • SP4x0.50-2 - Pre-cut 2-00 long steel plate supplied as an off-the-shelf item.
  • SP4x0.50-4 - Pre-cut 2-00 long steel plate supplied as an off-the-shelf item.

Use the Sub-Product grid to add new sub-products to the current (parent) product.

  • Product - Identifier for the sub-product.
  • Description - Text description of the sub-product.
  • Length - Dimension(s) of the sub-product. Leave blank for coil. 
  • Vendor - Company that supplies the sub-product.
  • Country - Country of origin for the sub-product.
  • Coil - Check to indicate that the sub-product is coil material.

Note: Once sub-products are created, you can open them individually in the Product screen. "Sub-Product" displays in the Title Bar.