Use the Report Notes tool to add text messages to aSa-generated reports and business forms. 

Entering a Report Note

To enter a report note:

  1. Click aSa Menu > Common > Reports to open the Reports module. 
  2. Click Tools , then use the Left Menu to select Report Notes.


On the Notes screen of a module, such as Order Entry, click Edit to edit the desired note.
The Report Notes screen displays.

  1. Complete the header fields:
    • Enterprise - The current enterprise displays in this view-only field.
    • Location - Select your location, or the location for which you want to set up report notes.
    • Customer - If you require the note to appear on all applicable reports for a specific customer, select the customer. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
    • Job - If you require the note to appear on all applicable reports for a specific job, select the job. Otherwise, leave this field blank.


    • If you launch Report Notes from a specific order, the associated header fields are automatically populated. 
    • Leave Customer and Job blank to apply to the note to all applicable reports, regardless of customer or job. 
  1. Click Proceed .
    Header fields are saved and disabled and the Report Note Type field becomes enabled.
  2. In the Report Note Type field, select the type of report note that you want to enter. 

HINT: In the dropdown list, a check displays next to report types that currently have a saved report note. 

  1. In the Note area, type or modify the report note message. 
    • Use the format buttons to apply formatting to your text, such as bold, italic, text color, bullets, or alignment options.
    • Use standard editing shortcuts: Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+X to Cut, Ctrl+V to Paste. 
  1. Click Finish .

Deleting a Saved Report Note

To delete a saved report note:

  1. Complete the header fields as described above, selecting the same customer and job combination as you did when you saved the note.
  2. Click Proceed .
  3. In the Report Note Type field, select the type of report note that you want to remove. A check displays next to report types that have saved notes.
  4. Click Delete .
  5. At the prompt, click Proceed.