As an alternative to manipulating data using the grid column headings, you can use the Grid Settings window to:

  • hide or display fields.
  • change field labels
  • specify how many records display on a page

Customizing the Inquiry Grid

To customize the Inquiry grid using the Grid Settings window: 

  1. Click Settings > Open.

    The Grid Settings window opens with the current grid setting scheme selected.

    Note: If you want to customize a different scheme, simply select the scheme name from the Setting dropdown.
  2. Under Field Settings, expand the desired group. For any field: 
    • In the Label column, enter a new name for the field label.
    • In the Visible column, check to display or uncheck to hide the field.
  1. Under Paging, specify the number of lines display on each page of the grid.
  2. Save and apply your changes:
    • Click Finish to simply apply the changes to the current session.
    • Click Save As to save the current setting with a new name.
    • Click Set As Default to set the current scheme as your new default. 

Deleting a Scheme

To delete a scheme:

  1. On the Inquiry screen, click Settings > Open
    The Inquire Settings window displays.
  2. In the dropdown, select the setting scheme that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete .