Bar Marks

Use the following as a guide to understanding how bar marks are created for varying bars: 

  • Same Mark Varying Bars use the same mark for all members of the varying set. This mark appears on bar list-generated reports and on tags for members of the set.
  • Auto marked Varying Bars use a unique, sequential mark for each member of a varying set. Marks are assigned based on the user-entered original mark and the first and last bars entered.
  • The mark you define will be assigned to the first length you enter (for straight bars, this will be the first Length field entry; for bent bars, it will be the first set of bending dimensions). Subsequent marks will be assigned consecutively to shorter or longer bars as appropriate. For example: if the first length you enter is the shortest in the set, then that shortest bar will be marked with first (lowest) mark and longer bars will be marked consecutively with higher bar marks.

Number Each 

Depending on the number of items and the specified long and short lengths in each varying set, a vary number may produce an item quantity that does not evenly divide into the total quantity.

How these “odd” quantities and lengths are distributed in the set is determined by which bar you enter first, as described in the sections that follow.

Vary Item Quantities

If the vary number does not divide evenly into the total quantity or an incremental length produces an item quantity that does not divide evenly into the total quantity, then the first length (either the shortest or the longest) will contain the “odd” quantity.

For example: Varying sets are entered with the following values:

Sample 1 

Sample 2 





Number Each: 

Number Each: 

First Length: 


First Length: 


Second Length: 


Second Length: 


Because 3 does not divide evenly into 10, this varying set has an odd quantity of 1.

Sample One: Because the shortest bar was entered first, the 10 foot bar will have a quantity of 1 and all other members of the set will have the specified quantity 3.

Sample Two: Because the longest bar was entered first, the 20 foot bar will have a quantity of 1, and all other members of the set will have the specified quantity 3.