Rolled coil refers to flat steel manufactured in rolls that you fabricate by cutting into steel plates. Like rebar, rolled coil is a dimensional product: "plates" can be fabricated to length based on project requirements or you can pre-cut lengths and supply as a finished good "off the shelf."

For more information, refer to Rolled Coil Steel in the Appendix.

In Order Entry, you can create orders that include plates fabricated to length and/or off the shelf stock steel plates. The concept is similar to creating an order with cut and bent rebar and/or 20-00 precut stock length rebar. 

Fabricated Steel Plates

Use the following as a guide to listing steel plates cut to length based on customer specifications. 

In the Line Item grid, complete the following fields:

  • Product Category - Select Rolled Coil (if you have a different category name for rolled coil material, select that category).
  • Complete required characteristic fields: Coating, Grade, Material, and Texture.
    Product - Select the source coil you are fabricating from. Example: 04x.25. Do not select a product with a defined length. 
  • Order Quantity - Enter the number of plates to produce.
  • Theoretical Length - Enter the length of the plates to supply. 

Stock Steel Plates

Use the following as a guide to listing off-the-shelf steel plate items pre-cut to a standard length. 

In the Line Item grid, complete the following fields:

  • Product Category - Select Rolled Coil (if you have a different category name for rolled coil material, select that category).
  • Product - Select the product to supply. Example: 04x.25-2.0. Be sure to select a product with a defined length. 
  • Order Quantity - Enter the number of plates to produce.