Inventory Movement

  • Added an Inventory Movement API that shows all movement and adjustment of inventory bundles. (27242, 2021-08-30)

QuickBooks API

  • On the login screen, the system now remembers and redisplays the most recent username. (27988, 2021-10-06)
  • When you create an order and use elements to group items, the grouping remain intact when you interface to QuickBooks sales order. (27857, 2021-09-30)
  • The QuickBooks Sales Order number now displays as in External Reference field on order and shipping-generated reports and inquiries. (27870, 2021-09-28)

Shipping Ticket

  • When shipping data is updated successfully in ERP, the shipment is now flagged as Posted, preventing any further adjustments. (27243, 27244, 2021-08-31)