The following is a brief overview design to help system administrators and aSa consultants set up your system before you begin using Scheduling. 

Location Options

Common > System Manager > Location Options > Scheduling tab.



Days between fabrication and shipping for straight bars.

Enter lead time between fabrication and shipping for straight rebar items. 

Days between fabrication and shipping for bent bars.

Enter lead time between fabrication and shipping for bent rebar items. 

Days between fabrication and shipping for non rebar items.

Enter lead time between fabrication and shipping for miscellaneous (non rebar) items. 

Automatically recalculate dates

Check to have the program automatically assign fabrication date based on delivery date or vice versa.

Warn near capacity percent

Enter a percentage at which fabrication is considered "near" capacity. This value determines the break point at which a calendar day displays as green (under capacity) vs. yellow (near capacity).

Shop Capacity

Common > Environment > Scheduling > Shop Capacity. For more information see: Shop Capacity Editor.



Fabrication Location

Select the fabricating location to set weights per day. 

Weight (lbs)

Enter a maximum weight for each work day. 

Scheduling Days Off

Common > Environment > Scheduling > Days Off > Days Off tab. For more information see: Days Off Editor




Days Off

Fabrication Location

Select the fabricating location to set weights per day. 


Select a year to schedule your off days. 


Days Off panel

Check to schedule schedule off specific days of the week.

Quick Date panel

Quickly schedule a specific day off as Full, Half Day AM, or Half Day PM.

Shipping Methods

Common > Environment > General > Shipping Method. 

Set up an ID and description for each shipping method that you use.


Common > Environment > General > Trailers. 

Set up the following for each trailer that you use for shipping:

  • ID
  • Description
  • Weight
  • Length
  • Height
  • Width
  • Trailer Image - Select an image to represent each trailer:
    • Browse - select an image from your computer or network
    • Catalog - Select an image that has already been uploaded to aSa.Studio.
    • Default - Select one of aSa's default images. 


Set up Driver as an employee role:

  • Common > Environment > General > Employee Role.
  • Be sure you have a role defined for Driver. 

Designate the appropriate employees as drivers:

  • Set up employees: Common > System Manager > Define Person. 
  • On the Employee Details screen, select the role Driver.