Working with Shape Drawings

Use the instructions that follow as a guide to creating multi-plane shapes. If you need to create a single-plane shape, refer instead to Creating a Shape.

You should understand the following guidelines as you create custom shapes:

  • Use the grid intersections as a guideline to help you draw perfectly horizontal and vertical lines. Your cursor will snap to the intersections. 
  • Dimensions display only as a guideline to the relative length of one leg compared to another. Actual lengths are NOT stored as part of the shape; rather, you enter the specific dimensions when you use the shape in the Order Entry screen. 
  • Draw shape legs from one end to the other. Start with the main legs, then add hooks last. Witness lines for sloped dimensions are automatically added by the system.
  • Although you can change the identifiers if necessary, leg and dimension letters are automatically added based on ACI standards: 
    • B - F for main legs
    • A and G for hooks
    • H for slope height and K for slope run

Basic Procedure

The following are the basic steps to create a custom 3D shape. Additional tools and activities are described in the sections that follow.

To create a new custom 3D shape:

  1. In Shape field, enter an identifier for your shape just as you would for a 2D shape.

HINT: To edit a shape that already exists, select the shape from the list or enter its name.

  1. Click on the 3D Shape button.

  1. The buttons will change to the 3D shape tools, and the canvas will change to a 3D workspace.

  1. Draw the main shape legs.
    • Click anywhere on the grid to begin drawing your main legs, then click and drag on one of the arrows to draw a leg. (A) 
    • While you are clicking and dragging, an length indicator appears on the top right of the page.

    • To add to an existing leg, hover over the end point of a leg you drew and click and drag an arrow to continue drawing. (B)


  1. Add hooks to one or both ends of the shape:
    • Click the desired Hook type tool: 90 degree, 135 degree, or 180 degree. (C)
    • Hover over the end point of a leg until you see the box change color and click to add the hook. (D)
    • The hook will be added and dimensions are shown. (E)

HINT: If you make a mistake and need to delete a leg or hook, click the Delete button, then click the leg or hook you want to remove. 

  1. Click the Shape Wizard  tool. 

The wizard automatically centers the shape on your canvas and assigns letters to all of your dimensions.

  1. Click the Display/Hide Dimensions view.
    The shape displays with the dimension letters. 
  2. Optionally:
    • Rename or change default leg properties as described in Leg Properties
    • Set up validation and calculation rules as described in Shape Rules.
  1. Click Finish .