About Laps

Laps are used in the Linear Steel calculator. 

Using the Default Lap

When you set up your order, the Detailing Lap field on the Engineering Defaults screen - Building Standards frame determines the default lap length. This is the length that automatically displays in the Lap field on every applicable entry. To use this value, simply skip over the Lap field. Otherwise, enter a new lap value using the following as a guide.

Lap Values

Enter laps using any of the following methods:

  • Bar Diameters
    Laps are most commonly expressed in bar diameters. In the Lap Code field, enter in the following format: number of diametersD. For example, 40D indicates 40 bar diameters.
  • Standard length
    In the Lap Length field, enter a length in feet-inches or millimeters as described in Entering Lengths.
  • Lap Table Entry
    Be sure that the lap table you want to use with the current order is selected in the Lap Table field (Engineering Defaults Screen > Building Standards frame).
    In the Lap Code field, enter:
    • First position: L — this tells the system that you are using a user defined lap table.
    • Second position: A-Z (the lap condition that applies to the current entry, as defined in the lap table).
      For example, to use lap table condition B, you would enter: LB.