

Route refers to the path material follows in the shop: First Machine, Second Machine, etc. Routes are defined in the Environment Module (Processing > Routes and Processing > Route Priority). The system evaluates each line and assigns a route based on material characteristics, such as diameter, length, bending dimensions, and whether or not the bar has end preps. Optionally, you can override the system-assigned route by selecting a different route in this field. Only routes that are valid based on the item's characteristics are available.


BCD Override

The program automatically calculates bend curvature deduction (BCD - the amount to subtract from theoretical length due to double measuring of dimensions due to curve of each bend) based on number of bends, angle of the bends, and bending pin diameter. Check to manually enter a BCD value rather than using the program-calculated BCD.


Length of the bend curvature deduction. Display-only if calculated by the program. Or, enter a length if you checked BCD override.

Pin Diameter

Diameter of the bending pin used for the current item. Display-only field.

Bundle Group


Target number of pieces to include in a bundle. Entering a value overrides the system's normal bundle parameters.

Bundle Rules

Select how you want to handle bundling if the total quantity doesn't divide evenly into the specified pieces.

  • Exact
    Use the exact piece count specified to build the total quantity. Any remaining pieces will be in the last bundle.
    Example: A line item on an order has 305 pieces. You set a piece count of 75 with Exact. The result is 4 bundles of 75 pieces and 1 bundle of 5 pieces.
  • Exact Plus Balance
    Exact Plus Balance is very similar to Exact, except it takes the machine’s bundle overflow percent into account. This means that if the extra pieces are within the overflow percentage, add those pieces to the final bundle.
    Example: Assume the Bundle Overflow setting is 15%, and 5 pieces is within the overflow tolerance. A line item on an order has 305 pieces. You set a piece count of 75 with Exact Plus Balance. The result is 3 bundles of 75 and 1 bundle of 80 pieces.


Check box indicating whether or not the program will override normal production constraints — such as pocket size and crane capacity — to create bundles at the specified size.


Checking Unrestricted overrides built-in safety checks, such as your pocket size and crane capacity. Use this setting with extreme caution.

Item Tag

Generate Tag

Check to generate a tag for the current item. Uncheck if you do not want to generate a tag for the item. Normally, this field is checked for most items.


Check box indicating whether or not to total all instances of the item before rounding. For example, a list contains 2.5 rolls and 3.3 rolls of mesh. If Accumulate is checked, the items are added (5.8) then rounded for a total 6 rolls. If Accumulate is not checked, the items are rounded individually — 3 rolls plus 4 rolls equals a total of 7 rolls.

Shop Message

Message for shop personnel that appears on item tags.

Field Message

Message for field personnel that appears on item tags.

Tag Shapes

Item Tag Symbol 1 and 2

Select up to two symbols to display large on the item's tag.


Click to select a color for the tag symbols.